Data Portal

Red Crab Project

Author(s): Green, S., Sook, J. C.
J. Publication year: 2022

Mental Models Reveal Diverse Perspectives…

Author(s): King, B.D.
J. Publication year: 2022

Social Identities, Intersectionality…

Author(s): King, B.D.
J. Publication year: 2022

Investigating Morphometric & Physiological…

Author(s): Lawrence, A., Stevens, B.G., Shank, B., Chung, J.S.
J. Publication year: 2021

Inland Essential Fishery Habitat Mapper Application

Author(s): Cervera, J. C.
J. Publication year: 2021

Bycatch Mitigation for Commonly Caught Shark…

Author(s): O’Farrell, H.B., Babcock, E.A., McCarthy, K.
J. Publication year: 2024 (In press)

Weakfish SIA Data_Delaware Bay 2017 and 2018

Author(s): Galvez, B., Smith, S. L. 
J. Publication year: 2021

Sea Turtle Growth Meta-analysis

Author(s):  Ramirez, M. D., Popovska, T., Babcock, E.A.
J. Publication year: 2021

Reproductive Biology of Jonah crab, Cancer borealis

Author(s): Olsen, N. A., Stevens, B. G.
J. Publication year: 2020

Sea Whip Coral Leptogorgia virgulatain …

Author(s): Wenker, R. P., Stevens, B. G. 
J. Publication year: 2020

Physiological and Behavioral Sexual Maturity…

Author(s):  Martínez-Rivera, S., Long, W. C., Stevens, B. G.
J. Publication year: 2020

The Relationship between Fish Abundance…

Author(s): Schweitzer, C. C., Stevens, B. G.
J. Publication year: 2019

Assessment of Marine Renewable Energy Sites

Author(s): Cruz-Marrero, W., Cullen, D. W., Gay, N. R., Stevens, B. G.
J. Publication year: 2019

Impacts of a Multi-trap Line on Benthic Habitat…

Author(s): Schweitzer, C. C., Lipcius, R. N., Stevens, B. G.
J. Publication year: 2018 

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