Retention in the Program

1.         Didactic Program Phase

  • The grading scale for the Physical Therapy Department is as follows:

A   –     90-100
B   –     80-89
C   –     75-79
D   –     65-74
F   –     0 –64

Students must have a 75% average in the didactic and the laboratory components of courses for successful completion

  • A final grade of D in any course (lecture and/or lab) during the DPT Program will result in the student being placed on academic probation.
  • Students attaining probationary status twice during the DPT Program are subject to automatic academic dismissal from the program.
  • A final grade of D in any two courses during the DPT Program (lecture and/or lab) results in an automatic academic dismissal from the program.
  • A final grade of F in any course (lecture and/or lab) results in automatic dismissal from the program. 
  • A student who receives a final grade of D in a course (lecture and/or lab) will be referred  to the faculty who will make recommendations to the Department Chair as to how this grade may be removed and the time limit for removal.  Failure to remove the grade in a specified time limit may result in dismissal from the program.
  • Students must maintain a grade point average of B (3.0) or better over all graduate courses taken and must otherwise satisfy all additional departmental and UMES Graduate School Program requirements.  It should be noted, however, that a graduate student has two semesters in which to bring their average back to 3.0 (B) after it falls below that level.  Summer is an academic semester for programs with a required nine or more credit curriculum in the summer period (Amendment approved by UMES Graduate Council). The admission of all students, both degree and non-degree, is continued at the discretion of the major professor, the Department or Program Director and the Dean of Graduate Studies (see the UMES Graduate Catalog Termination of Admission).
  • Students engaging in any unethical practices as outlined by the policies of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Code of Conduct of the American Physical Therapy Association, and State or Federal laws may be dismissed from the program.
  • All courses must be completed in sequence.
  • Students are expected to be able to meet the essential technical standards of performance required by the Department of Physical Therapy.

2. Clinical Practicum and Affiliation Phase

  • Clinical Affiliation assignments are dependent upon Department of Physical Therapy Faculty recommendation, Department Chair approval, and availability of clinical sites.
  • No student may enter the final summer clinical affiliation during the 3rd year of the program with a final grade of D or Incomplete (I) in any course or an overall GPA below 3.0.
  • In the event of the above, the final affiliation will be delayed and clinical affiliation assignment will not be made until the “I” or “D” is removed or GPA is above 3.0, faculty approval has been granted, and clinical sites are available.
  • Each clinical affiliation or practicum must be passed.  A student receiving a failing grade during a clinical affiliation or practicum will be automatically dismissed from the DPT Program.
  • Students not completing a clinical affiliation or practicum for personal reasons may be required to repeat an affiliation or practicum of the same length or make-up the time lost at the same affiliation or practicum.
  • A student may only repeat or make-up a clinical affiliation or practicum upon approval of the faculty of the Department of Physical Therapy, University of Maryland Eastern Shore and upon availability of clinical sites.
  • Students are expected to be able to meet the essential technical standards of performance required by the Department of Physical Therapy. 

3.  Readmission 

  •  Students who have been dismissed for academic reasons and students who have had to withdraw for personal reasons may seek readmission by submitting a letter of request to the department.
  • The request for readmission will be reviewed by the Department of Physical Therapy Faculty.  A student may be readmitted only once to the DPT program.

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