The campus is located on 546 acres of land in the small town of Princess Anne on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The town dates back to 1733 and has many buildings and landmarks of historic interest. The area is quiet and ideally suited for a learning environment, yet it is only 3 hours by car from the abundant cultural and recreational facilities of Washington, DC, and Baltimore, MD. The state’s famous seaside resort, Ocean City, is only l hour from the campus. The campus is 13 miles south of the town of Salisbury, which provides shopping and recreational facilities.
The Department of Physical Therapy is located on the second floor of Hazel Hall. Hazel Hall was completed in 2005. All physical therapy classrooms, laboratories and faculty offices are conveniently located in Hazel Hall. Teaching and laboratory spaces are newly equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and supplies including technologically advanced audiovisual equipment and wireless internet. See Campus Map.
Driving Directions:
From New York and points further North
Take Interstate 95 South to the New Jersey Turnpike, across Delaware Memorial Bridge and follow signs to Rt. 13 South (Dover, Delaware, or Norfolk, Virginia). Follow through Salisbury, Maryland to Princess Anne, Maryland and follow signs to Maryland Route 822, UMES Boulevard.
From New York to Princess Anne – 240 miles.
Regional View

From Philadelphia
Take Interstate 95 South to I-495 South via exit number 11 toward “Port of Wilmington/Baltimore.” I-495 South becomes I-95 South. Merge onto DE-1 South via exit number 4A toward “Christiana/Mall Road”. Take the US-13 exit number 97 toward “Salisbury/Norfolk.” Follow 13 South through Salisbury, Maryland to Princess Anne, Maryland and follow signs to Maryland Route 822, UMES Boulevard.
From Philadelphia to Princess Anne – 150 miles.
From Baltimore, Washington DC, and Alexandria, Virginia
Take appropriate Rt. to Chesapeake Bay Bridge (Eastern Shore of Maryland). Rt. 50 East to Salisbury, Maryland. Salisbury, use Business Rt. 50, take business Rt. 13 South (South Salisbury Blvd which becomes 13 South). Follow to Princess Anne, Maryland and follow signs to Maryland Route 822, UMES Boulevard.
From Baltimore, DC, Alexandria to Princess Anne – 140 miles.
From North Carolina, South Carolina and points further South
Take Interstate 85, to Rt. 58, to Rt. 17 (Norfolk, Virginia) to Rt. 13 North. Across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel (toll, $12.00). Follow signs to Maryland. Pass through Pocomoke City, Maryland to Princess Anne, Maryland.
Once near Princess Anne, follow signs to Somerset Ave., MD-675. Take a right on Broad Street (second light in Princess Anne), and cross railroad tracks to enter the South entrance to campus.
Directions once on Campus
Utilizing UMES Boulevard

UMES Boulevard is Maryland Route 822. Coming from the North, you will take a left onto 822, traveling approximately 3/4 mile to campus, where you can travel left or right: turn right at the intersection to get to Hazel Hall and the Visitor Parking Lot B (See Campus Map).
South Entrance to UMES
Once near Princess Anne, follow signs to Somerset Ave., MD-675. Take a right on Broad Street (second light in Princess Anne), and cross railroad tracks to enter campus, where you can travel left or right. At the intersection turn left to go to the Visitor Parking Lot B or turn right to go to Hazel Hall (See Campus Map.).
Parking for visitors:
A parking permit is required to park anywhere on campus at all times Monday through Friday 8am-5pm. Visitors should park in Visitor Parking Lot B (See Campus Map).
Complimentary guest/visitor parking permits for departmental guests/visitors may be obtained by completing the Guest Parking Request Form. You will be e-mailed when your permits are ready to be picked up. If your parking permit is ordered 24 hours in advance, you may also request that the permit be held at the Department of Public Safety.Â
For more information, please call 410-651-6594 or visit