Dr. Dennis W. Klima
P.T., M.S., Ph.D., DPT, G.C.S., N.C.S.

Dennis Klima joined the faculty in the fall of 2002. Prior to his UMES appointment, Dennis served as program director of the Physical Therapist Assistant Program at the Baltimore City Community College for thirteen years. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in physical therapy from the Medical College of Virginia and began clinical experience at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institution in Baltimore, Maryland. He completed a PhD in Physical Therapy from Temple University where his dissertation focused on physical performance and fear of falling in older men. He has continued to practice clinically at the University of Maryland Rehabilitation and Orthopedic Institute in Baltimore for the past several years, including working on the stroke and traumatic brain injury units. He currently leads Stepping On fall prevention classes on the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland. Dr. Klima received his geriatric and neurologic clinical specializations from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. He has presented geriatric and neurologic continuing education courses locally, nationally, and internationally. Areas of research include both management of adults with TBI and fall prevention in older adults. He is a guest faculty lecturer at the University of Delaware, DeSales University, Shenandoah University, and the University of Puerto Rico. In 2019, Dr. Klima taught a two-week neuromuscular intensive workshop to Kenyan physical therapists at the Kenya Medical Training College.
Education and Certifications:
- B.S., Physical Therapy, Medical College of Virginia
- M.S., Adult and Continuing Education, Coppin State College
- Ph.D., Physical Therapy, Temple University
- DPT, Institute of Health Professions, Massachusetts General Hospital
- Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist
- Board-Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist
Areas of Interest:
- Geriatric Rehabilitation
- Fall Risk and Balance Disorders in the Older Adult Population, click here to read about how this is integrated into the curriculum
- Rehabilitation of the Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury
Scholarly Activity:
Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Davis, A., Klima, D.W., Leonard, A., & Miller, S. (2023). Floor to stand performance among persons following stroke. Physical Therapy, 103(11), pzad122. https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzad122
- Klima, D., DiBartolo, M., Stewart, J., Freijomil, F., Oliver, M., McCallister, S. (2023). Rising from the floor in persons with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 49(1), 50–54. https://doi.org/10.3928/00989134-20221206-05
- Klima, D., Austin, Nate, Avila, K., Savoy, A., Rhoten, N., Wehland, E., Weimert, J. (2023). Student coaching in a rural fall prevention program. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, 44(1), 88–101. https://doi.org/10.1080/02701960.2022.2098285
- Klima, D., Hood, E., Madden, M., Bell, R., Dawson, T., McGill, C., & Patterson, M. (2022). Balance and cognition in male lacrosse layers. Motor Control, 27 (2), 217-227. https://doi.org/10.1123/mc.2022-0030
- Klima, D.W., Rabel, M., Mandelblatt, A. et al. (2021). Community-based fall prevention and exercise programs for older adults. Current Geriatrics Report, 10, 58-65. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13670-021-00354-w
- Hood, E. W. & Klima, D.W. (2021). Post stroke effects on power production in older adults. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 37(1), 2-6. https://doi:10.1097/TGR.0000000000000296
- Klima, D. W. & Davey, A. (2021). Screening gait performance, falls, and physical activity among Benedictine and Trappist monks. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. 12, 50132721990187. https://doi.org/10.1177/2150132721990187
- Klima, D.W. & Hood, E. (2020). Gait and balance assessment of older adults. Current Geriatrics Reports, 9,154–162. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13670-020-00327-5
- Hood, E.A., Klima, D.W., Chui, K.K., & Avallone, N.J. (2019). Pre-season concussion assessment utilizing the King-Devick Test. Research in Sports Medicine. 27(4):467-472. doi: 10.1080/15438627.2018.1535434.
- Klima, D.W., Morgan, L., Baylor, M. Reilly, C., Gladmon, D. & Davey, A. (2018). Physical performance and fall risk in persons with traumatic brain injury. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 126(1), 50-69.
- Truong, H.A., Gorman, M., East, M., Klima, D.W., Hinderer, K., Hogue, G.L., Brown, V., & Joyner, R.L. (2018). The Eastern Shore Collaborative for Interprofessional Education: implementation, impact, and lessons learned over five years. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 82(4), 6522.
- Hinderer, K.A., Klima, D., Truong, H.A., Rangel, A.G., Brown, V., Talley, W., Dougherty, P., & Joyner, R.L. (2016). Faculty perceptions, knowledge, and attitudes toward interprofessional education and practice. Journal of Allied Health, 45, 1E-4E.
- Klima, D.W., Anderson, A., Samrah, D., Patel, D., Chui, K., & Newton, R. (2016). Standing from the floor in community-dwelling older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 24, 207-213.
- Klima, D.W. & Morgia, J. (2015). Falls. In S.K. Whitbourne (Ed.), Encyclopedia of adulthood and aging, Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Klima, D.W., Hinderer, Freda, K., Winter, D., & Joyner, R. (2014). Interprofessional collaboration between two rural institutions: A simulated teaching laboratory paradigm. Respiratory Care Education Annual, 23, 45-48.
- Klima, D.W., Newton, R.A., Keshner, E. & Davey, A. (2013). Fear of falling and balance ability in older men: The priest study. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 21(4):375-86.
- Newton, R.A., Klima, D.W., Brown Reid, T., & Gentile, N. T. (2012). An emergency department screen to identify older adults at-risk for falls. Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Research, S1-002. Doi: 10.4172/2167-7182.S1-002
- Chui, K., Hood, E., & Klima, D.W. (2012) Meaningful Change in Walking Speed. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 28, 97-103.
- Chui, K., Hood, E., & Klima, D.W. (2012). Walking speed before and after hip fracture. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 28, 2, 122-127.
Book Chapters
- Klima, D.W., Schmitz, T.J., & O’Sullivan, S.B. (2024). Examination of coordination and balance. In O’Sullivan and Schmitz (eds). Physical Rehabilitation. PA: FA Davis. In Press.
- Klima, D.W. (2020). Traumatic brain injury. In Umphred, D.A. & Lazaro, R.T. (Eds.), Neurorehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant (3rd ed. 297-324). Thorofare, N.J.: SLACK Inc.
- Lazaro, R.T., Marquez, N., Umphred, D.A. & Klima, D (2020). Introduction to neurorehabilitation for the physical therapist assistant. In Umphred, D.A. & Lazaro, R.T. (Eds.), Neurorehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant (3rd ed pp 1-14). Thorofare, N.J.: SLACK Inc.
- Klima, D.W., Novak, C., & Sullivan, D. (2017). Aging and the nervous system. In C.A. Lewis (Ed.), Physical therapy for the older adult: Examination and intervention (pp 1-26). Baltimore, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
- Ruckert, E. & Klima, D.W. (2017). Community-based fall prevention and exercise programs. In C.A. Lewis (Ed.), Physical therapy for the older adult: Examination and intervention. Baltimore, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
- Newton, R.A. & Klima, D.W. (2014). Falls and peripheral neuropathy. In Carp, S. (Ed.), Peripheral Neuropathy. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
- Klima, D.W. (2014) Neurological trauma. In T. Kauffman, J. Barr, R. Scott, & M. Moran (Eds.), A Comprehensive Guide to Geriatric Rehabilitation. New York: Churchill Livingston.
Recent Peer-Reviewed Presentations
- Dennis Klima, The Return to Fun Participation: Are You Dancing with Your Patients? Educational Session, CSM APTA Meeting, San Diego, California. February/2023. Home Health Section.
- Dennis Klima, Hood, E, Dolan, S, Grasso, P, Htat, H. Concussion Examination Among Wheelchair Athletes, Poster Presentation, Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego California, February/2023.
- Dennis Klima, Mandelblatt, A, Miklosovich, M, Putman, T, Smith, A, Rabel, M., Stepping On for Fall Prevention: A Systematic Review, Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego California, February/2023.
- E. Hood, K. Buckland, B. Colvin, S. Davies, S. Pennella, A. Thomson, D. Klima. Degree and Specialization Effect on the Use of ASA Guidelines and Objective Measures with Stroke. CSM, San Diego California, February/2023.
- Meredith Madden, PhD, Catherine McGill, PhD, Dennis Klima, PT, PhD. Stakeholder Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding Concussion in Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities. Sports Neuropsychology Conference in Dallas, Texas (April) 2022
- Niehaus, V, Klima DW. The Effects of a Home-based Balance Program Following Deep Brain Stimulation for an Upper Extremity Drug-Induced Tremor: A Case Report. CSM, March 2021.
- Rothschild R, Klima DW, Oakley B, Banas J, Nicholson C. Rising from the Floor in Persons with a Transtibial Amputation: A Pilot Study. Poster Presentation. Annual Meeting, American Academy of Orthotics and Prosthetics, Chicago, Illinois, March, 2020.
- Amanda Leonard, Dennis Klima. Management of Visual Perceptual Disorders in Patients with Stroke: Do You See the Evidence? Education Session, NEXT APTA Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. June/2019.
- Dennis Klima. The Ten Commandments for Fear of Falling: Evidence-Based Management Strategies, Educational Session, CSM APTA Meeting, Washington DC, January/2019. Home Health and Geriatrics Sections.
- Dennis Klima. Integrating Dance Into Best Practice Interventions for Older Adults, Educational Session, CSM APTA Meeting, New Oreland, Louisiana. February/2018. Home Health Section/Geriatrics Section.
- Dennis Klima. Intervention Strategies for Patients with Neuropsychiatric Conditions, Educational Session, CSM APTA Meeting, New Oreland, Louisiana. February/2018. Neurology Section.
- Dennis Klima, Nate Austin, Katie Avila, Jessie Wolfe. Community-Based Fall Prevention Programs: What’s the Evidence? Educational Session, CSM APTA Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. February/2018. Neurology Section.
- Dennis Klima. Do Our Patients See the Floor? Floor Recovery in Older Adults, Educational Session, CSM APTA Meeting, Indianapolis Indiana, February, 2015. Home Health Section.
- Dennis Klima. Falls in the Elderly: The Double-Edged Sword. 25th Latin American Medical Rehabilitation Congress. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. August 14-18, 2012.
Invited Presentations/Courses – Neurologic and Geriatric Domains
- Dennis Klima, Let’s Get Physical: Fall Prevention and Recovery, Illinois Home Care and Hospice Council, Peoria, Illinois, Rehab Symposium., November, 2023
- Dennis Klima, Gait and Balance Assessment, Falls, Exercise and Older Adults. Edmund Beacham Annual Current Topics in Geriatrics Continuing Education Seminar, Johns Hopkins Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Baltimore, Maryland, March, 2014-2023
- Dennis Klima, “The 4 F’s of Managing Healthy Aging.” Continuing Education Course. Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers. Maryknoll, New York. March, 2023..
Primary Courses:
- PHYT 670 Introduction to Health Care Systems and Patient Care
- PHYT 642 Patient Management-Neuromuscular I
- PHYT 643 Patient Management-Neuromuscular II
- PHYT 643 Patient Management-Neuromuscular III
- PHYT 645 Patient Management-Selected Topics