Raymond L. Blakely Alumnus Award: Leadership and Commitment to the Physical Therapy Profession
This award is given in honor of the late Raymond L. Blakely PT, PhD. Dr. Blakely was founding Chair and Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. He was an integral part of the program and retired in 2016 after 34 years of persistent dedication, commitment and excellence. The Department of Physical Therapy was established in 1981 under the direction of Dr. Blakely. It was through his wisdom, guidance, leadership and perseverance that the UMES Physical Therapy Program advanced from a Bachelor of Science program, to a Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) Program, and to its current Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program within a growth span of eighteen years. The criteria for selection for this award were designed to embody the impact made by Dr. Blakely’s UMES career.
- The nominee must be an alumnus of the UMES Physical Therapy Program.Â
The alumnus chosen exemplifies or demonstrates the following characteristics of leadership and commitment to the physical therapy profession. The nominee must have:
- Sustained and continuous positive leadership contribution over a period of 10 years or more within the physical therapy profession
- Demonstrated passion and commitment to the physical therapy profession
- Demonstrated a record of mentoring others and the ability to empower others professionally
Submission Requirements:
- The nominator must submit a letter recommending the alumnus for the award which focuses on the qualities of the nominee in relation to the award criteria. Anecdotes or specific examples are recommended to substantiate the nomination.
- Two letters of support must be submitted from individuals who can specifically address one or more of the criteria for selection.
- The current curriculum vitae or resume of the nominee must also be submitted.
All documents must be sent to Ms. Carolyn Miles at clmiles@umes.edu of the Department of Physical Therapy.
Nominations may be made by faculty, alumni, co-workers, supervisors, or patients. The Award Committee will review the nominations and determine the award recipient. The recipient will be notified of the committee’s selection. The Award will be presented in the Department of Physical Therapy following the Graduation Ceremony in September.
- 2023 Dr. John C. McGee (additional information forthcoming)
- 2022 Sam Singleton (Class of 2011)
- 2021 Frank Rosenthal (Class of 2010)
- 2020 Jennifer Hamilton (Class of 2006)
- 2019 Lori Mizell (Class of 1984)
- 2018 Maria von Kollmar (Class of 1995)
- 2017 Amanda Leonard, (Class of 2003)
- 2016 Merthia Haynie (Class of 2005) and Krystal Lighty (Class of 1999)