Reports and Minutes

 ESCOP Diversity Report 2017
 Appropriations Request for 2014
Evans Allen Funding (Research)
 Appropriations Request for 2013
     Evans Allen Funding (Research)1890 Extension
 Appropriations Requests for 2012
     Evans Allen Funding (Research)
     1890 Extension 
 Appropriations Requests for 2011
     Evans Allen Funding (Research)   
    1890 Extension 
 ESCOP Science Roadmap for Food and Agriculture – 2010
logo_smallThe AEA/ARD Land Grant Conference, June 8 – 11, 2008 OUTCOMES 
 Examples of 1890 Universities’ Research (click)
Examples of Initiatives at 1890 Universities that relate to McIntire-Stennis Funding 
 Presentations at the 2009 ARD Summer Meeting in Asheville, NC (click texts):
CSREES/AFRI Overview – Deborah Sheely
1890 Facilities Grant Program – P.S. BenepalCapacity Building Grants Program – Ali Mohamed
An Overview of the Southern Research Station – Jim  Reaves
1890 Firefighter Training – Ted Willis
U.S. Forest Service – Lynn Hicks
State and Private Forestry in Region 8 – Bill Carothers
National Association of Univ. Forest Resources –   Keith. Belli
The APLU Office for Access and the Advancement of Public Black Universities – Lorenzo L. Esters
Report from AEA – L. Washington Lyons
ARD Report to the Council of 1890 Presidents/Chancellors – Carolyn B. Brooks
Creative Thinking – Zachary Senwo 
 1890 Land Grant Task Force on Biofuels 
 Presentations at the 2010 ARD Winter Workshop in Key West, FL (January 10-13) (Click texts)The Facilities Grants Program – Dr. P.S. Benepal
The Capacity Building Grants Program – Dr. Ali Mohamed
Strategic Planning – Dr. Charles Byers
Acronyms – Dr. Carolyn B. Brooks
 Reports given at the 2010 ARD Spring meeting in Las Vegas (April 18-21) (Click Texts)
Courtesy Committee Report – Dr. Kirkland Mellad
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