
Dr. Louis Whitesides (Chair)                                                    
South Carolina State University
300 College Street, NE
P.O. Box 7325
Orangeburg, SC 29117
Phone: 803.516.8971
FAX: 803.516.3792

Dr. Wesley L. Whittaker (Chair Elect)
Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
Langston University 
P.O. Box 1730
Langston, OK 73050
Phone: 405-466-6155/601-831-7367 

Dr. Ami Smith (Secretary)
West Virginia State University
Research and Public Service
125 Integrated Research & Extension Bldg.
P.O. Box 1000
Institute, WV 25112-1000
Phone: 304-766-4290
FAX: 304-766.4292

Dr. Jose U. Toledo (Treasurer)
Southern University and A&M College
SU Ag Center/College of Agriculture
P.O. Box 10010 (or)
Ashford O. Williams Hall
B.A. Little Drive, Bld. 142
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
Phone: 225.771.2244
FAX: 225.771.4464
Mobile: 225-229-2777

Dr. Olga Bolden-Tiller (Member-at-Large)
Tuskegee University
110-D Henderson Hall
1200 W. Montgomery Rd
Tuskegee, AL 36088
334-727-8403 (Ph), 334-727-8552 (Fax)

Dr. Chandra Reddy (Immediate Past Chair)
College of Agriculture
Tennessee State University
3500 John A. Merritt Blvd.
Nashville, TN  37209-1561
Phone: 615.963.7561/7620
FAX: 615.963.5888

Alton Thompson (Executive Director)
North Carolina A&T State University 
Greensboro, NC  27411
Phone: 336.285.2955
FAX: 336.256.2529

Lisa M. Williamson (Executive Assistant)
North Carolina A&T State University 
Greensboro, NC  27411
Phone: 336.285.2999
FAX: 336.256.2529

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