Center Director: Paulinus Chigbu, Ph.D.
Phone: (410) 621-3034 | Email: pchigbu@umes.edu | Fax: (410) 651-7739
Department | Faculty | Students | REU
UMES is the lead institution of the LMRCSC consortium. It grants M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in the Marine, Estuarine and Environmental Sciences (MEES) with areas of specialization in Fisheries Science, Oceanography, Ecology, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, and Environmental Molecular Biology/Biotechnology. It also awards Ph.D. degrees in Toxicology, and Food Science and Technology, and an M.S. degree in Food and Agricultural Sciences with a concentration in Agricultural Economics. UMES has also established a Professional Science Masters degree program in Quantitative Fisheries and Resource Economics. The institution occupies a unique geographical location (10 miles from the Chesapeake Bay and 20 miles from the Atlantic Ocean) that has enabled it to develop research and educational programs concentrating in the marine and estuarine-related disciplines, particularly fisheries science.
The Paul S. Sarbanes Coastal Ecology Center (PSSCEC) located 30 minutes from UMES near Assateague Island, Maryland features histology and fish life history labs, microbiology and teaching labs as well as an auditorium and offices for students and faculty. Along with the fish health and physiology lab, fish and zooplankton ecology labs, wet labs and water quality lab located on the main campus in Princess Anne, these facilities make UMES capable of developing a broader curriculum in Marine Sciences and related disciplines and administering the LMRCSC.
Using funds provided to the LMRCSC, UMES has leveraged funds in the form of grants from various agencies particularly, NSF to establish three programs and conduct research in NOAA science related areas: Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Marine and Estuarine Sciences, Professional Science Master’s (PSM) degree in Quantitative Fisheries and Resource Economics, and Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) that focuses on an integrated study of coastal ecosystem processes and dynamics in the mid-Atlantic region. These programs have enabled UMES to build capacity in marine and fisheries science, and to recruit more graduate students into its Marine and Fisheries sciences programs.

Mailing Address:
Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Department of Natural Sciences
Henry O. Tanner Airway Science Building, Building #915
30806 University Boulevard South
Princess Anne, MD 21853
Phone: (410) 651-7870
Fax: (410) 651-7739