Project Director: Eric Schott, Ph.D.
Phone: (410) 234 8881 | Email: schott@umces.edu
Department | Faculty | Students
The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) leads the way toward better management of Maryland’s natural resources and the protection and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. From a network of laboratories located across the state, our scientists provide sound advice to help state and national leaders manage the environment and prepare future scientists to meet the global challenges of the 21st century.
UMCES operates world-class research facilities at its four Maryland locations. These include specially designed laboratories with advanced instrumentation for chemical and biological experiments and analyses, including DNA sequencing and advanced molecular and isotopic measurements; seawater systems for maintenance of and experimentation with marine and aquatic organisms; extensive shellfish and finfish aquaculture facilities; greenhouses; computational and geographic information systems; the state-of-the-art research vessel Rachel Carson; and automated environmental observing systems.
While it has a global reach, UMCES also operates under a Maryland statutory mandate to “conduct a comprehensive program to develop and apply predictive ecology for Maryland to the improvement and preservation of the physical environment, through a program of research, public service, and education. UMCES researchers provide independent analysis of Bay-related data, including annual blue crab and striped bass population surveys, assessments of stream aquatic health, and water quality sampling. Our oyster expertise has also played a vital role in improving the management of the Bay’s iconic species, while our Horn Point Laboratory oyster hatchery annually provides billions of oyster spat destined for the Chesapeake Bay.

Mailing Address:
701 East Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: (410) 234-8881
Fax: (410) 234 8896

NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center
University of Maryland Eastern Shore (Lead Institution)
(410) 651-7870
Award numbers: FY 2021 Award #NA21SEC4810005
Funding Agency: NOAA Educational Partnership Program with Minority-Serving Institutions (EPP/MSI)