NOAA-EPP LMRCSC Undergraduate Fellow
B.S., Environmental Science – Marine Science
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Ashley Duran is an undergraduate fellow pursuing a B.S degree in Marine Biology/Oceanography at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. She will participate in on-going collaborative research (with NOAA scientists, Mark Wuenschel and Ashok Deshpande) to understand trophic relationships of forage fishes in the northwest Atlantic.
Research theme: Integrate ecosystem considerations into stock assessments, fishery management, and aquaculture
NOAA LMRCSC Fellows attain the NOAA Core Competencies detailed in this rubric.
NERTO Project Title: TBD
NOAA Mentor: TBD
Academic Advisors: Dr. Ali Ishaque

NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center
University of Maryland Eastern Shore (Lead Institution)
(410) 651-7870
Award numbers: FY 2021 Award #NA21SEC4810005
Funding Agency: NOAA Educational Partnership Program with Minority-Serving Institutions (EPP/MSI)