Project Director: Elizabeth Babcock, Ph.D.
Phone: (305) 421 4852 | Email: ebabcock@miami.edu
Department | Faculty | Students
Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science is one of the world’s leading Marine Science research and teaching institutions. A close collaborative relationship between NOAA and the Rosenstiel School is fostered by the proximity of Rosenstiel, the AOML and the SEFSC of NOAA, all located at Virginia Key, Florida. Rosenstiel hosts the Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (CIMAS), a joint institute between NOAA, the University of Miami and most of the Florida and US Caribbean Marine Research Institutions.
The Rosenstiel fisheries program has been offering M.S. and Ph.D. degrees for more than 30 years and, partially thanks to the presence of CIMAS, one quarter of the graduates of the program are currently NOAA employees. Rosenstiel fisheries research covers many topics of interest to NMFS including fisheries biology, fisheries ecology, ecosystem modeling, essential fish habitat, stock assessment, management strategy evaluation, protected species, aquaculture and fishery socio-economics.
Mailing Address:
Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric and Earth Science
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149-1031
Phone: (305) 421-4000