NOAA-EPP LMRCSC Doctoral Graduate
Ph.D., Marine Biology and Ecology
University of Miami – RSMAS
Gabriel Enrique Leiva-Gomez graduated with a B.S. degree in Biological Sciences from Florida International University in April 2018. He began studying for his Master of Professional Science at the University of Miami working with his mentor, Dr. David J. Die. At the University of Miami, he participated in an internship with Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies in 2022 advised by Dr. Joe Serafy. Gabriel’s research focused on production of the nearshore coastal habitat into the fishery, concentrating on how juvenile gag recruitment is enhanced by seagrass habitat. Still at the University of Miami, he transferred to PhD program in Fall 2023 in the Marine Biology and Ecology Department being co-advised by Dr. Elizabeth A. Babcock and Dr. David J. Die. His dissertation still involves coastal production but expanding into other species of fish and into quantifying how seagrass restoration benefits coastal production. Post-graduation, Gabriel plans to have a career in NOAA involving fishery management and statistical analysis.
Research theme: Healthy Habitats
NOAA LMRCSC Fellows attain the NOAA Core Competencies detailed in this rubric.
NERTO Project Title: TBA
NOAA Mentor: TBA
Academic Advisors: Drs. Elizabeth Babcock and David Die

NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center
University of Maryland Eastern Shore (Lead Institution)
(410) 651-7870
Award numbers: FY 2021 Award #NA21SEC4810005
Funding Agency: NOAA Educational Partnership Program with Minority-Serving Institutions (EPP/MSI)