Benjamin Frey

NOAA-EPP LMRCSC Master’s Graduate
M.S., Marine, Estuarine & Environmental Science, Graduated May 2022
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science – CBL

Benjamin Frey completed his master’s program in May of 2022, studying ecological systems and fisheries biology at the Chesapeake Biological Lab. Co-advised by Dr. Rose Jagus and Dr. David Secor and NOAA mentor Dr. Ann Richards of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Benjamin’s research focused on monkfish age validation using hard part analysis of known-age cohorts. His research supported age-structured assessments and allowed fisheries managers to make well informed assessments of stock status on which to build sound management practices.

In 2016, Ben participated in a summer internship at the University of Michigan. In 2018, he completed an internship at IMET in Baltimore. He graduated from Morgan State University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology.

Benjamin is a 2022 Sea Grant Knauss Fellow in NOAA’s National Ocean Services’ Marine Debris Program. He now works as a Coastal Program Biologist at the USFWS Great Lakes Coastal Program in Michigan. 

NERTO Project Title:  Validation of age and growth estimates of New England and Mid-Atlantic demersal fishes using microstructural analysis of hard parts

NOAA Mentor: Dr. Anne Richards, NOAA NEFSC, Woods Hole, MA

Academic Advisor: Dr. Rose Jagus and Dr. David Secor


  1. Frey, B.A., Secor, D., Richards, A., Jagus, R., Piccoli, P., Lyubchich, V., Sluis, M., & Miller, N. Age validation using periodicity of annulus formation and hardpart microconstituents in black sea bass (Centropristis striata), 151st Annual Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD, November 2021. Oral PowerPoint Presentation.
  2. Frey, B.A., Secor, D., Richards, A., & Jagus, R. NERTO Mentee Testimonial. Leadership Initiative for Networking and Collaboration Conference, Virtual, April 2021. Oral PowerPoint Presentation.
  3. Frey, B.A., Secor, D., Richards, A., & Jagus, R. Monkfish Age Validation Using Hardpart Analysis of Known-age Cohorts. NOAA LMRCSC 2020 Virtual Science Meeting, MD, April 2020. Oral PowerPoint Presentation.
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