Professor, Fish Biology & Pathology, Department of Natural Sciences
University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES)
Phone: (410) 651-6023 | Email: ebmay@umes.edu | Fax (410) 651-7739
Distinguished Research Scientist. NOAA LMRCSC, UMES. 2001-2009
Oregon State University, Oregon (1982)
Ph.D., Pathology
Northern Arizona University (1972)
M.S., Cell Biology
Oregon State University, Oregon (1971)
B.S., Zoology
Research Interests
- Mobilization of metals in elasmobranchs
- Mobilization of methylated metals and chlorinated hydrocarbons in elasmobranchs
- Source, fate and transport of urea into aquatic systems
- Comparison of hydroponic and aquaponics systems
- Microbial communities in aquatic ecosystems
Selected Publications
- Jacobs, J. M., Howard, D.W., Rhodes, M.R., Newman, M.W., May, E.B., and Harrell, R.M. (2009). Historical presence (1975-1985) of mycobacteriosis in Chesapeake Bay striped bass Morone saxatilis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 85, 181-186
- Overton, A. O., Margraf, F.J., and May, E.B. (2009). Spatial and temporal patterns in the diet of striped bass in Chesapeake Bay. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138, 915-926
- Love, J.W., and E.B. May, 2007. Relationships between fish assemblage structure and selected environmental factors in Maryland’s Coastal Bays. Northeastern Naturalist 14:251-268.
- May, E.B., J.M. Jacobs, and A. Overton, 2007. A historical perspective on diseases of striped bass with emphasis on mycobacteriosis. In C.A. Ottinger and J.M. Jacobs (eds), USGS/NOAA Workdshop on Mycobacteriosis in Striped Bass, May 7 – 1-, 2006, Annapolis, MD, NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 41.
- Tkachenko, A., Waguespack, Y.Y., Okoh, J.M., and E.B. May, 2006. Isolation of intact high molecular weight (HMW) glycoconjugates from the skin mucus ofMorone saxatilis (Striped Bass). Journal of Fish Diseases 29:433-436
- J.W. Love, A.K. Johnson and E.B. May, 2006. Spatial and temporal differences of Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) recruitment across major drainages (1966 – 2004) of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Estuaries and Coasts 29:794-801
- Pinkney, A.E., J.C. Harshbarger, E.B. May, and W.L. Reichert, 2004. Tumor prevalence and biomarkers of exposure and response in brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) from the Anacostia River, Washington, DC and Tuckahoe River, Maryland. Environ. Tox. Chem. Volume 23:638-647
- Pinkney, A.E., J.C. Harshbarger, E.B. May, and M.J. Melancon. 2004. Tumor Prevalence and Biomarkers of Exposure in Brown Bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) from Back River, Furnace Creek and Tuckahoe River, Maryland. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 46:492-501
- Overton, A.O., F.J. Margraf, C.A. Weedon, L.H. Pieper, and E.B. May, 2003. The prevalence of mycobacterial infections in striped bass in Chesapeake Bay, Fish. Mgt. Ecol. 10:301-308.
Dr. Eric B. May received his Ph.D from Oregon State University in Biochemistry, Pathology and Microbiology. He also completed his B.S. in Zoology at OSU, with a minor in fisheries. His M.S. from Northern Arizona University was in Cell Biology and Parasitology.
Dr. May’s research interests are the use of biochemical and metabolic indicators to determine the response of fish to injurious agents or conditions, establishment of clinical methods as a means of non-lethal testing of wild and cultured stocks, the effects of environmental damage on resident aquatic organisms and application of fish health management approaches for use in aquaculture and wild stocks.