Change of Grades

Grades that have been submitted to the Office of the Registrar can be changed only by submitting the official change of grade form certifying that either an error was made in recording the grade, the grade was omitted on the official grade roster, or work has been completed to remove the grade of ‘I’.  Courses in which students officially withdraw and the grade of ‘W’ has been recorded do not qualify for the change of grade process.

Grade changes must be initiated by the instructor on the required change of grade form available in the Office of the Registrar.  Such petitions require the approval of the department head and the dean of the instructor’s school before the Registrar will make changes on the student’s record.

Any grade change must be received in the Office of the Registrar no later than 60 calendar days immediately following the beginning of classes in the semester succeeding the one in which the grade was given or omitted.  For a winter term, the changes are due in the Office of the Registrar no later than 60 calendar days immediately following the beginning of classes in the succeeding Spring semester.  For a summer term, the changes are due in the Office of the Registrar no later than 60 calendar days immediately following the beginning of classes in the succeeding Fall semester.  If a student is not enrolled in the succeeding semester, then the grade change is due 60 calendar days following the beginning of classes in the next regular semester. 

For courses in which the grade of ‘I’ (Incomplete) has been awarded, the work must be completed and the terminal grade must be submitted by the end of the next semester of enrollment, otherwise the “I” becomes “W.”

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