A Brief History of the LMRCSC

The Center was established in October 2001 as a cooperative agreement between NOAA’s Educational Partnership Program, the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES), lead institution, Delaware State University (DSU), Hampton University (HU), Savannah State University (SSU), the University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (UM-Rosenstiel) and UMBI-Center of Marine Biotechnology (COMB), now known as University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (UMCES-IMET). In 2011, Oregon State University (OSU) was added to the consortium, expanding the geographic spread of the Center to the west coast of the U.S.

Strengths of the LMRCSC Partner Institutions in Marine Science:

Historical Precedents, Educational Programs, and Marine Research: The seven collaborating institutions of the LMRCSC include four HBCUs: UMES, DSU, HU and SSU. The lead and partner institutions have a proven track record of educating, training and graduating post-secondary students in NOAA mission sciences, management and policy. Of the LMRCSC partners, two rank among the top 50 universities whose graduates have become Black Science doctoral graduates 2008-2012 (NSF 2015). Hampton University is ranked No. 4, and UMES is tied with four other universities at No. 20. Historically, the Center institutions have been successful at producing marine scientists. Through strong linkages with NOAA, educational programs and research capabilities in the marine sciences at the Center HBCUs have been enhanced (see Capabilities of the LMRCSC Institutions).

Rationale for Establishing the LMRCSC: Fish populations face numerous challenges including overfishing, habitat loss, pollution, climate change, and ocean acidification, which have socio-economic impacts on the communities that depend on them. Meeting the projected future demand for fish will require innovative methods to increase fish production by sustainable aquaculture, and ecosystem approaches to fisheries management.  The number of graduate and undergraduate students belonging to underserved groups, choosing careers in ocean sciences remains very low compared to the other scientific disciplines. The production of fisheries scientists from underserved groups requires building a pipeline from K-12 to undergraduate and graduate programs.  For the past 18 years, the LMRCSC has worked collaboratively with NOAA toward achieving healthy and sustainable ocean systems and develop a future workforce in NOAA related sciences consistent with NOAA’s long-term goals and NOAA’s Education Strategic Plan, 2015 – 2035.

Development of a Comprehensive, Integrated Educational Framework:  The LMRCSC has used NOAA funding and funds leveraged from other sources to develop a unique Comprehensive, Integrated Educational Framework that uses best practices for recruitment, retention and graduation in NOAA related sciences. This comprehensive education plan includes:

  1. K-12 marine science outreach program
  2. High school student enrichment and experiential learning (SEEL) program
  3. Summer high school bridge program in geosciences
  4. Middle school and high school Teacher Development workshops
  5. Undergraduate student (especially freshmen and sophomores) research experiences during the academic year and summer
  6. Rigorous coursework and high quality research and collaborative mentoring of graduate students, and
  7. Professional development plans for Post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty.

Emphases are placed on outreach to K-12 students and their science teachers to make students aware of ocean sciences as a career; on summer bridge programs to strengthen the backgrounds of the students before entry and for success in college; and on the use of Student Development Plans to mentor, enhance academic performance and retention, and prepare the students for a successful career.

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