Dr. Justine Whitaker

Dr. Justine Whitaker

Assistant Professor, School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences (SANS)
University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES)

Phone: 410-651-7846 | Email: jwhitaker@umes.edu  | 


West Virginia University (2016)
Ph.D., Wildlife & Fisheries

William & Mary (2004)
M.Sc., Biology        

Longwood University (2000)
B.Sc., Biology

Research Interests

  1. Environmental DNA
  2. Conservation Genomics
  3. Biodiversity and genetic variation

Selected Publications

  1. Voekler, W, D Leblanc, D Newstead, JM Whitaker. Submitted. DNA metabarcoding reveals diverse diet of Calidris canutus rufa (Rufa Red Knot) at stopover and wintering sites in Louisiana. Ornithological Applications.
  2. Bogantes, VE, AJ Darrah, M Folkerts Caldwell, AK Fellgren, JM Whitaker, AM Janosik. 2024. Characterizing the diet of the Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) using DNA metabarcoding. Ornithology.
  3. Prior, J, JM Whitaker, AM Janosik. 2024. Microplastics exposure on the common mysid shrimp, Americamysis bahia: effects on mortality and epigenetics. Microplastics, 3, 234-249. https://doi.org/10.3390/microplastics3020014.
  4. Greufe, C, A Ferrarra, JM Whitaker. 2024. Population structure of Apple Snails in Louisiana. Aquatic Ecology, 1-14.
  5. Garza, T, D Barnes, J Scourse, JM Whitaker, AM Janosik. 2023. Quantifying microplastics in fjords along the western Antarctic peninsula. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 193, 115144.
  6. Janosik, AM, JM Whitaker, and CE Johnston. 2023. Phylogeography and population structure of the Rock Darter species complex, Etheostoma rupestre (Teleostomi: Percidae) across the Mobile River Basin. Hydrobiologia, 4, 761-773.
  7. Rudzin, JE, D Soule, JM Whitaker, H Berger, S Clayton, K Fogaren. 2022. Catalyzing remote collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: early career oceanographers adopt hybrid open science framework. Frontiers in Marine Science Ocean Observation, 9, 855192.
  8. Whitaker, JM, AM Janosik. 2021. Invasive lionfish detected in estuaries in the northern Gulf of Mexico using environmental DNA. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 104(11), 1475-85.
  9. Janosik, AM, JM Whitaker, NM VanTassel, SJ Rider. 2021. Improved environmental DNA sampling scheme provides new insight into the natural history of a species presumed extinct. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 37(2), 178-185.
  10. Levine, R, K Fogaren, J Rudzin, C Russoniello, D Soule, JM Whitaker. 2020.Open data, collaborative working platforms, and interdisciplinary collaboration: building an Early Career Scientist community of practice to leverage Ocean Observatories Initiative data to address critical questions in marine science. Frontiers in Marine Science, Ocean Observing, 7, 593512.
  11. Whitaker, JM, AB Welsh, LE Price, JC Boase. 2020. Detecting fine-scale population structure in the age of genomics: a case study of lake sturgeon in the Great Lakes. Fisheries Research. 230, 105646.
  12. Whitaker, JM, Janosik AM. 2020. Missing the Mark(er): Pseudogenes identified through whole mitochondrial DNA sequencing provide evidence of hybridization and new insight into the lionfish invasion. Conservation Genetics, 1-14.
  13. Whitaker, JM, TN Garza, AM Janosik. 2019. Sampling with Niskin bottles and microfiltration reveals a high prevalence of microfibers. Limnologica, 78, 125711.
  14. Whitaker, JM, A Welsh, D Hondorp, JC Boase, G Merovich, S Welsh, C Krueger. 2018. Variation in methylation is associated with migratory phenotype of lake sturgeon. Journal of Fish Biology, 93(5), 942-951.
  15. Whitaker, JM, DA Cristol, MH Forsyth. 2005. Prevalence and genetic diversity of Bacillus licheniformis in avian plumage. Journal of Field Ornithology, 76, 264-270.
  16. Cristol, DA, JL Armstrong, JM Whitaker, MH Forsyth. 2005. Feather degrading bacteria do not affect feathers on captive birds. Auk, 122, 222-230.


Dr. Justine Whitaker is an assistant professor of Environmental Science in the Department of Natural Sciences, University of Maryland Eastern Shore. She uses molecular tools to answer ecological and evolutionary questions about imperiled or managed fishes. Dr. Whitaker has a Ph.D. from West Virginia University during which she studied the population genetics and migratory behaviors of Lake Sturgeon. She used eDNA to track rare and invasive species as a postdoctoral scientist at the University of West Florida and later as an Assistant Professor at Nicholls State University. She is especially interested in collaborative projects that integrate multiple disciplines with outcomes that are applicable to conservation and management.

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