Dr. Andrij Z. Horodysky

Assistant Professor, Marine & Environmental Science
Hampton University (HU)

Phone: (757) 728-6655 | Email: andrij.horodysky@hamptonu.edu

Website | Curriculum Vitae


College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia  (2009)
Ph.D., Marine Science

College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia (2004)
M.S., Marine Science

Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida (2000)
B.S., Marine Science/Marine Biology

Research Interests

  1. Increasing postrelease survival in recreational fisheries
  2. Providing mechanistic behavioral and ecophysiological insights into the relationships between form, function, and the environment
  3. Identifying mechanisms through which climate change and habitat alterations may affect living marine resources.

Selected Publications

  1. Barker† BD, AZ Horodysky, DW Kerstetter. (In press). Hot, or not? Comparative behavioral thermoregulation, critical temperature regimes, and thermal tolerances of the invasive lionfish Pterois sp. versus native western North Atlantic reef fishes. Biological Invasions. doi:10.1007/s10530-017-1511-4.
  2. Lennox† RJ, J Alos†, SJ Cooke, AZ Horodysky, T Klefoth†, C Monk†, R Arlinghaus. 2017. What makes fish vulnerable to capture by hooks? A conceptual framework and a review of key determinants. Fish and Fisheries.18: 986-1010.
  3. Cooke SJ, RJ Lennox†, SD Bower†, Horodysky, A.Z., MK Treml, E Stoddard, LA Donaldson & AJ Danylchuk. 2017. Fishing in the dark – the science and management of recreational fisheries at night. Bulletin of Marine Science. 93(2): 519-538.
  4. Hilton EJ, B Kynard, MT Balazik, Horodysky, A.Z. & CB Dillman. 2016. Review of the biology, fisheries, and conservation status of the Atlantic Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Mitchill, 1815. Journal of Applied Ichthyology (2016): 1-37. DOI: 10.1111/jai.13242.
  5. Ward† TD, DA Algera†, AJ Gallagher, E Hawkins, A Horodysky, C Jørgensen, SS Killen, DJ McKenzie, JD Metcalfe, MA Peck, M Vu & SJ Cooke. 2016. Understanding the individual to implement the ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Conservation Physiology. 4(1):cow005.
  6. Horodysky, A.Z. SJ Cooke, JE Graves & RW Brill. 2016. Fisheries conservation on the high seas: linking conservation physiology and fisheries ecology for the management of large pelagic fishes. Conservation Physiology. 4(1):cov059
  7. Horodysky, A.Z. SJ Cooke & RW Brill. 2015 Physiology in the service of fisheries science: Why thinking mechanistically matters. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 25:425-447.
  8. Graves JE & Horodysky, A.Z. 2015. The challenges of estimating post-release mortality of istio- phorid billfishes caught in the recreational fishery: A review. Fisheries Research. 166:163-168.
  9. Braun†, CD, MB Kaplan†, AZ Horodysky & JK Llopiz. 2015. Satellite telemetry reveals physical processes driving billfish behavior. Animal Biotelemetry. 3:2.
  10. Kalinoski† M, A Hirons, Horodysky, A.Z. & R Brill. 2014. Spectral sensitivity, luminous sensitivity, and temporal resolution of the visual systems in three sympatric coastal shark species: Carcharhinus plumbeus (sandbar shark), Mustelus canis canis (smooth dogfish), and Squalus acanthias (spiny dogfish). Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 200(12): 997-1013.
  11. Adams, AJ, Horodysky, A.Z., RS McBride, K Guindon, J Shenker, TC MacDonald, HD Harwell, R Ward & K Carpenter. 2014. Global conservation status and research needs for tarpons (Mega-lopidae), ladyfishes (Elopidae), and bonefishes (Albulidae). Fish and Fisheries. 15(2): 280-311.
  12. Horodysky, A.Z. RW Brill, KC Crawford*, ES Seagroves* & AK Johnson. 2013. Comparative visual ecophysiology of mid-Atlantic temperate reef fishes. Biology Open. 2:1371-1381.
  13. McComb DM, TM Frank, Horodysky, A.Z. & SM Kajiura. 2013. Comparative visual function in predatory fishes from the Indian River Lagoon. Physiological & Biochemical Zoology. 86:285-297.
  14. Graves JE, Horodysky, A.Z. & DW Kerstetter. 2012. Incorporating circle hooks into Atlantic pelagic fisheries: case studies from the commercial tuna/swordfish longline and recreational billfish fisheries. Bulletin of Marine Science. 88(3):411-422
  15. Horodysky, A.Z. RW Brill, PG Bushnell, JA Musick& RJ Latour. 2011. Comparative metabolic rates of common western North Atlantic sciaenid fishes. Journal of Fish Biology. 79:235-255.


Dr. Andrij Horodysky received his BS from Eckerd College and his MS and PhD from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary. He is a broadly-trained organismal fisheries ecologist with research interests centered on behavior, ecophysiology, and conservation. His research applies multidisciplinary and comparative approaches that integrate laboratory, field, and specimen-based techniques to provide mechanistic insights into the relationships between form, function, and the environment.

Dr. Horodysky’s research interests manifest in both basic and applied contexts, with an emphasis on identifying mechanisms through which climate change and anthropogenic alterations of habitats affect organisms. 

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