The Center’s Advisory Component is made up of the Board of Visitors, and the Technical Advisory Board.
Board of Visitors (BOV): The BOV develops the MOUs, reviews Center policies and procedures, and work plans for each year. They also address and resolve higher level administrative issues associated with cooperative arrangements between academic institutions. Finally, the group facilitates inter-institutional course offerings by helping to execute the Articulation Agreement of LMRCSC. As a result of the Articulation Agreement, a student enrolled at one center institution can register for courses offered at another center institution. The BOV is composed of the Presidents of Center institutions or their designees, NOAA representative from NMFS, Center Director (ex-officio member), NOAA EPP Representative. The President of UMES or the designee serves as chair of the BOV. The BOV meets once a year in October or November.
Technical Advisory Board: The TAB reviews and provides recommendations to the Center Director on the Center’s science plan and research proposals, and by so doing, ensures that the research conducted at the Center is of high quality and in line with NOAA Fisheries research priorities. The TAB committee is comprised of scientists with various areas of expertise in NOAA related sciences working at various NOAA Laboratories. The TAB is chaired by the LMRCSC Technical Monitor. Selection of TAB members is made by the LMRCSC Technical Monitor based on research record and expertise in NOAA-related fields. Membership is for a period of 5 years. Replacement of members is made after discussions between the LMRCSC Technical Monitor and the Center Director. Learn more about the TAB process.