Application for Degree

Students planning to graduate in the spring (May) and fall (December) must complete their academic program requirements by the end of that semester.  Students who expect to complete the degree requirements at the end of a semester should complete an application for degree prior to the semester deadline.  Deadlines are published on the Academic Calendar.

All students applying for graduation will be charged a non-refundable diploma fee after the receipt of the application for degree.  This fee and all financial obligations to the university must be satisfied for the diploma to be issued.

Participation in the commencement exercises is dependent upon the semester the application for degree is submitted.  Degree completion conferrals are within six to eight weeks following the commencement ceremony. Students who do not graduate (complete all degree requirements) as expected and/or wish to delay participation in the commencement ceremony must resubmit an application for degree for the subsequent semester that the degree requirements will be met.

For additional information, contact the Office of the Registrar at or (410) 651-6413/6414.

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