This policy is intended for students to differentiate between students in good standing and for students who have not-excelled academically. Undergraduate students are placed on academic probation whenever they earn a GPA below 2.0 during the fall and spring semesters. Students whose overall GPA is below a 2.0 are subject to getting dismissed by the university. The Office of the Registrar is the responsible entity for running the process to make notation on the students’ transcripts if a student is on good standing, academic probation, or academically dismissal.
Good Academic Standing
Students are considered to be in good academic standing and performing satisfactorily at UMES if their cumulative GPA is at least 2.0. The exception to the grid below applies to first-time freshmen during their first two semesters of enrollment at UMES.
Academic Warning
First-time Freshmen (1st semester) – An incoming freshman who earns less than a 2.0 cumulative grade point average during their first semester is considered to be on Academic Alert/Warning and will be notified by letter. A notation of Academic Alert is placed on the student’s permanent record. A student on Academic Alert may enroll for the subsequent semester but is required to meet with his/her advisor in the major department or CAAS (Center for Access and Academic Success) to develop a prescriptive plan to assist him/her in improving the grade point average.
Academic Probation
- First-time Freshmen (2nd semester) – A first-time freshmen that accumulates a GPA below a 2.0 during their first two consecutive semesters will be placed on academic probation.
- Students who earn a semester GPA below a 2.0 will be placed on academic probation.
- Students on academic probation will not be dismissed if they attain a semester grade point average of 2.0 or higher and continue to show progression towards raising their cumulative grade point average.
Academic Jeopardy
- Students who earn a semester GPA below a 2.0 and their overall cumulative GPA is below a 2.0 will be placed on academic jeopardy. If the student receives another consecutive semester GPA below a 2.0 they will be academically dismissed.
- Once your cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 you will be placed on jeopardy. You will stay in the academic jeopardy status as long as your semester GPA is above a 2.0 while your cumulative is below a 2.0.
Academic Dismissal
- A first-time freshmen that accumulates a GPA below a 2.0 during their first three consecutive semesters will be academically dismissed.
- Students who earn two consecutive semesters where their overall GPA is below a 2.0 will be dismissed.
Returning from Dismissal
Students who have been academically dismissed must submit a Reinstatement application to the Office of the Registrar. The application can be found on the Office of the Registrar’s webpage. Upon reinstatement, students will be academically dismissed again if upon returning their term GPA is below a 2.0. Reinstated students will not be allowed to add or drop courses, or to register during any semester without the approval of an academic advisor in their college, unless a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 is achieved.
- Note: Students who are approved for reinstatement MUST check with the Office of Financial Aid to verify if they are eligible for Financial Aid and meets the Satisfactory Academic Policy (SAP) policy.