Pick as much as you can for the chance to win a $200 Amazon gift card.Teams of 4 may register for freehttps://umes.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ece7eed12bebbcb88f16ebb74&id=847e771ad3&e=788d730ec7For information, contact Dr. Nadine Burton 410-621-5450 x107…
Eastern Shore Regional Spelling Bee
The best spellers in Elementary and Middle Schools on the Lower Shore will compete for a medal and all-expenses paid trip to the nation’s capital to complete in the Scripp’s National Spelling Bee. Takes place inside the Ella Fitzgerald Center for Performing Arts on the UMES Campus….
Founders Day
UMES will celebrate it’s founders….
Miss Evers’ Boys – Play in the Ella Fitzgerald Center
Miss Evers’ Boys – Play in the Ella Fitzgerald Center…
Miss Evers’ Boys- Play in Ella Fitzgerald Center
Miss Evers’ Boys- Play in Ella Fitzgerald Center…
CAAS Presents: Mindfulness Rocks
Join CAAS to relax, pain and study/ May 11 5pm – 7pm in the SSC Singleton Multipurpose Room…
CAAS JAMSS – Final Exam Study Session
Study with mentors, faculty members and instructors. Enjoy food, prizes and raffles. Bring your laptop….
UMES Arbor Day Celebration
Join the School of Agricultural & Natural Sciences for a tree planting in celebration of Ntl. Arbor Day. Location is between the Hytche Center and the track….
Commencement Ceremony, Class of 22
William P. Hytche Arena…
Until I Am Free: Fannie Lou Hamer’s Enduring Message to America
Historian Keisha Blain with discuss her latest book through a visual presentation. Zoom Meeting ID 981 8177 1486…