PRINCESS ANNE, MD – (September 12, 2018) – Habanera Farm, LLC and the 1890 Extension Program at UMES are partnering to offer a “Growing Medicinal Herbs” class on Saturday, October 13.  Featuring Henriette den Ouden, herb grower, master tea blender and clinical herbalist from Habanera Farm, the class is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. in Hazel Hall on the campus.

The rising demand for medicinal herbs is the catalyst that may foster a potentially lucrative niche market for small farmers.  It is the focus of the “Growing Medicinal Herbs” class, where participants will learn about popular medicinal herbs and explore growing the herbs as a small farm business endeavor.

Class participants will hear what is in demand, what it takes to get started and if getting started is something that’s right for them!

The registration fee for the class is $20 per person.  To register online, visit  For more information, contact Patricia King at 410-651-6070 or 410-651-6210 or by email at

University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status or national origin.  Anyone who needs special accommodations to participate will need to call a week in advance of the class.


Suzanne Waters Street, agricultural communication specialist, UMES – University of Maryland Extension, 410-651-6084,

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