Herbs on Demonstration Farm
Herbs on UMES Education and Demonstration Farm.

A small group of participants attended the Growing Specialty Herbs workshop at the UMES Education and Demonstration Farm on Saturday, August 3.  It was the third installment of a series focused on cultivating, harvesting, and marketing over 13 specialty herbs.

Dr. Nadine Burton, title, and Habanera Farm’s Henriette den Ouden teamed up to not only teach the art of growing and marketing the herbs, but to offer information about the origin of the plants, their medicinal properties and production practices.  Such information was given for five varieties of holy basil, ashwaganda, black nigella, calendula, burdock, chamomile, brown cotton, echinacea, turmeric, skull cap and rosemary.

For those who were interested but unable to attend, stay tuned.  The series of workshops will be offered again early 2020.

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