1. Bryant, R.B., A.R. Buda, P.J.A. Kleinman, C.D. Church, L.S. Saporito, G.J. Folmar, S. Bose, and A.L. Allen. 2012. Using flue gas desulfurization gypsum to remove dissolved phosphorus from agricultural drainage waters. Journal of Environmental Quality. 41 (3):664-671.
  2. Kibet, L.C., A.L. Allen, P.J.A. Kleinman, G.W. Feyereisen, C.D. Church, L.S. Saporito and  T.R. Way. 2011. Phosphorus losses in surface runoff from a no-till Coastal Plain soil with surface and subsurface applied poultry litter. J. Environ. Qual. 40: 412-420. 
  3. 3.Pote, Daniel H., Thomas R. Way, Peter J. A. Kleinman, Philip A. Moore, John J. Meisinger, Karamat R. Sistani, Louis S. Saporito, Arthur L. Allen, and Gary W. Feyereisen. 2011.
  4. Peter J. A. Kleinman, Andrew N. Sharpley, Anthony R. Buda, Richard W. McDowell, and Arthur L. Allen. 2011. Soil controls of phosphorus in runoff: Management barriers and opportunities. Canadian Journal of Soil Science.  91: 1-10.
  5. Johnson, Keisha N., Arthur L. Allen, Peter J. A. Kleinman, Fawzy M. Hashem, Andrew N. Sharpley and William L. Stout. (Deceased). 2011. Use of coal combustion by-products to minimize phosphorus in runoff from a coastal plain soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 42:7,778-779.
  6. Feyereisen, Gary W., Peter J. Kleinman, Gordon J. Folmar, Lou S. Saporito, Clinton D Church, Thomas R. Way, and Arthur L. Allen. 2010. Effect of direct incorporation of poultry litter on phosphorus leaching from Coastal Plain soils. Journal Soil and Water Quality 65:243-251.
  7. Church Clinton D., Peter J. A. Kleinman, Ray B. Bryant, Lou S. Saporito and Arthur L. Allen. 2010. Occurrence of arsenic and phosphorus in ditch flow from litter-amended soils and barn areas. Journal of Environmental Quality 39: 2080-2088.
  8. Sharpley, Andrew N., Peter J.A. Kleinman, Philip Jordan, Lars Bergström, and Arthur L. Allen. 2009. Evaluating the Success of Phosphorus Management from Field to Watershed. 2009. J. Environ. Qual. 38:1981–1988.
  9. Shigaki, F., P.J.A. Kleinman, J.P. Schmidt, A. N. Sharpley and A. L. Allen. 2008. Impact of dredging on phosphorus transport in agricultural drainage ditches of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. J. Amer. Water Res. Assoc.
  10. Robert E. Vaughan, Brian A. Needelman, Peter J. A. Kleinman, and Arthur L. Allen. 2007. Spatial Variation of Soil Phosphorus within a Drainage Ditch Network. Journal of Environmental Quality 36: 1096-1104.
  11. Kleinman, P., A. L. Allen, B. Needelman, A. Sharpley, P. Vadas, L. Saporito, G. Folmar,  R. Bryant. 2007. Dynamics of Phosphorus Transfers from Heavily-Manured Coastal Plain Soils to Drainage Ditches.  Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 62 (4): 225-235.
  12. P. A. Vadas, M. S. Srinivasan, P. J. A. Kleinman, J. P. Schmidt, and A. L. Allen. 2007. Hydrology and groundwater nutrient concentrations in a ditch-drained agro-ecosystem. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 62 (4):178-188.
  13. Penn, C.J., Bryant, R.B., Kleinman, P.J., and Allen, A.L. 2007. Removing dissolved phosphorus from drainage ditch water with phosphorus sorbing materials. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 62:269-276.
  14. M.S. Reiter, S.C. Tingle, A.L. Allen, L.Q. Wang and R.B. Bryant. 2014. Phosphorus and nitrogen leaching before and after tillage and urea application.
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