Dr. Everlyn Okoth in partnership with CEGFSD’s scientist, Dr. Caleb Nindo
have developed high-value added mango products and promoted the
utilization of local crops for food and nutrition security in Kenya. According to
Dr. Okoth, Mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit is one of the most important fruit
crops in tropical and sub-tropical regions. It is second most important fruit
produced in Kenya, after banana with a market share of > 22%. However, a
survey of cooperative farmers revealed that farmers face many challenges
including the mango value chain’s postharvest losses of >45%; diseases
and pest attack; lack of cold value chain facilities; highly seasonal with glut
at harvest season and low prices; lack of structured mango aggregation,
packaging facilities; and farmers’ limited knowledge and skills on sustainable
value addition.
The scientists aimed at promoting mango utilization through development
of innovative value added products to reduce postharvest losses and improve
farmers’ livelihood. The project outcomes were very promising with the dried
mango slices of very acceptable quality in terms of color, flavor, texture and
overall acceptability. In addition, a train-the-trainer program has been successful training cooperative society
members in Kenya through this initiative. The major impact of this project is that the processing of mangoes
into dried slices will reduce postharvest losses and create more diversified market outlets for both local and
international markets.