Agriculture Law Education Initiative

ALEI members educate the Maryland and national agricultural community on aspects of agricultural law through Extension outreach programs. Extension outreach activities of ALEI members include traditional publications and presentations as well as multimedia, online outreach through videosblog posts, and webinars.

ALEI works with the Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) to educate Maryland attorneys on agricultural issues to aid them in working with farm clients. ALEI has also teamed up with MSBA to provide the Maryland farm community with a continually-updated legal services directory of attorneys with expertise in agricultural law.

The Website

The Website

 ALEI is a collaboration of the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law at the University of Maryland, Baltimore   (UMB); the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP); and the School of   Agricultural and Natural Sciences at the  University of Maryland Eastern Shore.  ALEI is an initiative of the University
 of Maryland: MPowering the State, a strategic alliance between UMB and UMCP created in 2012 to significantly expand research,   business development, and student opportunities at both universities.

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