EFNEP - Zoumenou

Dr. Virginie Zoumenou and her team celebrated the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program’s (EFNEP) 50th anniversary on September 25 with two events, an open house in the morning and an awards ceremony and dinner in the evening.  Approximately 50 people attended the morning event and more than 150 people attended the evening celebration. Her colleagues from the University of Maryland College Park were present as well. During the events, attendees learned about the program through posters and educational sessions.

Dr. Robert Mock, UMES chief of staff, opened the celebration with President Heidi Anderson’s greetings to the evening audience . . . particularly to the community members and EFNEP program partners.  In closing, Zoumenou was addressed with the following words, “because of your dedication, positive changes are being made in our families and communities.”

The remarks highlighted the program’s origin, when 50 years ago U.S. President Lyndon Johnson initiated it through the Land-Grant Universities Cooperative Extension System to solve nutritional and health issues among low-income families with young children.  EFNEP today provides resources to share healthy lifestyle strategies with underserved families with young children at home and with youth who are eligible for free or reduced lunch at school.  The program also impacts students and faculty on campus through volunteer and internship programs.

Zoumenou, the EFNEP program director and nutrition and health program director, was the keynote speaker. She spoke about the impacts of the EFNEP program and four additional programs that were implemented since the establishment of EFNEP at UMES in 2006. Zoumenou explained how the community’s trust was key for the growth and success of the program. She presided over the award ceremony wherein awards were presented to EFNEP community partners; former EFNEP educator Dionne Ray; and to Sharon Waters, a former administrative assistant who deeply impacted the establishment of the EFNEP program at UMES. Two current EFNEP employees, Susan Jayne and Muhammad Khan, received 10- and 5-year (respectively) service certificates of appreciation. Zoumenou’s current team was also recognized, while she herself was praised by Ray for being a compassionate and caring program leader.

“Overall, the EFNEP 50th anniversary celebration at UMES was a success,” said Zoumenou.  “I am particularly happy about the opportunity to share about our important events on the College Corner segment at WMDT-TV.”

Dr. Robert Mock, Chief of Staff, gives opening remarks.
Some 150 in attendance
“New Direction” provides live music.
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