FAQs – How to apply for positions at UMES

Employment Opportunities

How do I become an employee at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Where do I go to search for available positions at the university?

A: You can find a listing of all current openings by visiting www.umes.edu/hr.  Select Talent Acquisition, then Employment Opportunities, Search Jobs, and click on a Job (s) to apply. You should take this opportunity to create account so it will be easier to apply for future positions.

Q: How long do I get to apply for a position?

A: If there is a closing deadline you will have until midnight to apply for a position.

Q: What if I am having problems navigating the online applicant tracking system?

A: Contact the Office of Human Resources for assistance. You should ensure you allow yourself plenty of time to apply for a position before the deadline in case you encounter problems navigating the system.

Q: Will you be able to provide me with a time showing when the application was received?

A: Yes. The online system with show the date and time an applicant applied. We are able to see whether it is completed or in a draft state.

Q: Am I able to request that my application materials be moved to different positions? If so, how do I go about notifying the Office of Human Resources about this request?

A: Yes. Just contact the Office of Human Resources by email or contact the office to speak to someone about your application.

Q: May I apply by email or by sending my application/resume materials by regular mail?

A: No. All applicants must apply using the People Admin online applicant tracking system.

Q: Can I apply for more than one position?

A: Yes. Positions are processed separately and the outcome of one positons will not determine whether or not you will be interviewed for other positions. We encourage applicants to apply for multiple positions.

Q: What if I make a mistake on my application or need to add a document?

A: Contact the Office of Human Resources to have your application reactivated. This must occur prior to the application materials being processed to the search committee. Once you are given access to make changes you must remember to recertify before submitting the edited application.

Q: What happens to incomplete applications?

A: They will remain in a draft state. If the positon closes while the application is in a draft state you will not be able to apply for the position. When there is a deadline stated on the advertisement you must apply by the deadline.

Q: What happens after I apply for a position?

A: The application is initially screened by the online applicant tracking system to determine if you meet the minimum requirements. If the minimum qualifications are met your application materials are sent to a search committee who will review applications for interviews. If an applicant does not meet the minimum the system will send an email informing you that you do not meet the minimum for further consideration.

Q: What if I have a question after receiving the email that my application has been rejected?

A: You may contact the Office of Human Resources and ask to speak to someone regarding an email you received regarding your application materials.

Q: Should I contact the Office of Human Resources for a status update of a position?

A: No. If you are selected for an interview you will be contacted by the search committee chair. If the position is filled you will be notified by the Office of Human Resources by email.

Q: How will I be notified about an interview?

A: If you are selected for an interview you will be contacted by the search committee chair. The information (phone number or email) that you provide on the application and/or resume will be used to contact you.

Q: Can I still be considered for other positions if I withdraw my name from other positions I have applied to?

A: Yes. Each position is reviewed individually and has no impact on other positions you may be apply for.

Q: Why does the process take so long?

A: There are many reasons that a search to fill a position may go on for a long period of time. One reason is that there may not be an adequate pool of applicants; several rounds of interviews may need to take place; an offer may be extended and rejected which means additional interviews must take place; and there may be scheduling conflicts which could delay an interview for weeks.

Q: Will I be notified once a position is filled?

A: Yes. But keep in mind that this is done as a professional courtesy and does not take place immediately. We have to ensure the selected candidate has accepted the position and signed a contract before a position can be closed.

Q: How often is the Employment Opportunity section updated?

A: The website is updated when a position is approved by budget.

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