Child and Family Development Center:
A Caring Place to Grow!
- Licensed by MSDE’s Office of Child Care
- Open to the local community and UMES employees
- Hours of Operation: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack provided
- Summer school age program available (June – August)
- Childcare scholarships accepted
- Diverse population of children and staff
- Teacher to child ratio exceeds Maryland state requirements
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal Civil Rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Civil Rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior credible activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
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The Child and Family Development Center (CFDC) is licensed by the Maryland State Department of Education Office of Child Care for sixty-three children ages six weeks through school age. The center encourages each child to develop an individual learning style which compliments the child’s personal desires, interests and needs. We are committed to facilitating each child’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional growth within a proactive environment.

The state approved curriculum, “The Creative Curriculum,” is thematic-based and is designed to encourage children to direct their own learning experiences in an enriched, supportive environment where rewards are felt intrinsically by the child and reinforced by personal experiences and interactions with others. This success-oriented focus helps develop a desire to learn and participate without fear of failure or discouragement. The activities encourage trial and error learning to develop problem solving skills and to create multiple solutions. Variety is vital for children’s development. We plan a balance of indoor and outdoor, individual and group, quiet and active experiences.

The center promotes diversity among the children and the staff. Each classroom (two for infants and toddlers, one for two-year olds, one for three-year olds and one for school age) has one full-time lead teacher (child care specialist) and one assistant teacher (child care worker) who plan and manage the daily program. The support staff includes UMES students who plan to enter fields related to early childhood/child development. The center is pleased that its student to teacher ratios remain low. Regular in-service training is encouraged for all CFDC staff.
Teacher Development

The CFDC not only provides quality early child care for the University and local community, but also serves a demonstration site for undergraduate students in UMES’ Child Development, and Family and Consumer Science program options within the Department of Human Ecology. These students are placed at the center for various practicum experiences.
The center has many amenities including five fully equipped classrooms with many age-appropriate materials, games, and activities. The outdoor classroom boasts of jungle gym equipment and large motor activity equipment.

The CFDC recognizes that family members are the first teachers of children. We are supportive, not substitutive of parenting. Parents are encouraged to participate in the education of their children. Observation windows provide opportunities for witnessing children during their daily activities. Adult sized chairs in the classrooms are provided for visitors who would like to interact with children. Open communication is vital to the staff/family relationship. Newsletters, teacher updates, and Class Dojo are used to keep the lines of communication open.
Service Delivery Model

A multidisciplinary approach is used in the CFDC because the staff understands that children do not enter the center in a cookie cutter mold and therefore their needs can not be met using one teaching style or approach. Specialists from a variety of resources are linked with those children and families whose needs extend beyond the capabilities of the CFDC staff. Children are screened and/or assessed using the Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum, Dial 3 and DECA. Findings are supported through observations and anecdotal records and parent, teacher and specialists’ input. The child’s curriculum is then adapted based on information gained from the assessments.
Funding Sources
The CFDC is a self-supporting program. Funding is derived from family tuition and fees, Child Care scholarships payments and grants.
The CFDC seeks to enroll children representing diverse backgrounds, as well as those with special needs. Applications are available year round and may be obtained by calling the center at 410-651-6173 or stop by the center on campus. Completed applications are placed on a waiting list for future consideration. Placement on this list does not guarantee enrollment at the CFDC. Children do not need to be toilet trained to become enrolled at the center.
Enrollment Procedures:
Schedule a virtual tour
Complete the enrollment package which includes:
- All About Me form
- Complete health inventory signed by physician
- Immunization Form signed by physician
- Lead Addendum signed by physician
- Complete emergency form
- Sign Child Care Regulation Acknowledgement
- Sign Parent-School Agreement form
Tuition and Fees
For tuition and fees, contact the center at 410-651-6173.
Hours of Operation
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Contact Us
Director: Donna Long, Ed.D.
Telephone: 410-651-6173
Fax: 410-651-6285
Address: Child and Family Development Center
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
11941 Early Childhood Research Building
Princess Anne, MD 21853
Directions to CFDC
Detailed maps from Salisbury & Crisfield directions
Parents’ Comments

“I cannot express how thankful I am that my child has been a part of your childcare program! He has thrived there and I have always known he was safe and loved by all of your staff. I have nothing but praise for the entire center.”
“Thank you for everything you have done for me and my child. He has really grown and learned a lot at your center. Knowing the care he has received has given me peace of mind over the last three years. For that I am truly grateful.”
“Words cannot describe how much our family appreciates all the love and support we have received from the CFDC. Our child has grown so much over the past few years and we know that it is because of the dedication and support you have provided him.”
“I have been witness to the many changes in my child, due in large part to the love and care she has received at the Center. I’m sure with the foundation she has been given at the CFDC, she will only continue to grow.”
Educational Links
For Children
PBS Kids homeKids will meet Arthur and his friends,
Mr. Rogers, Barney, Daniel Tiger, and Sesame Street,
etc. online at any time they want.
This is a place for teachers, parents
and kids (craft, coloring book, on-line
art, games, story time, etc.)
This site has a full collection
of the nursery rhymes from A to Z,
a very nice tool for classroom learning.