Director: Dr. Terry Kundell (tlkundell@umes.edu)
The Writing Center is open for the Fall 2024 semester. During the remote days, 11/22/24-11/29/24, we will continue to operate fully online.
Log in through MyUMES, and select the app toward the end of the alphabetical list, WCOnline, to access the ONLINE Fall 2024 schedule,
Writing Center Services
We provide UMES undergraduates assistance with the following:
writing assignments across the disciplines;
any stage of the writing process:
pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading;
general writing skills:
grammar / punctuation / mechanics skills.
In addition to helping you with class assignments, we would love to help you with your
résumés, cover letters, and personal statements for employment and for graduate school.
- The University Writing Center is dedicated to providing the University community one-on-one assistance with all types of writing at all stages of the writing process.
NOTE: The Writing Center tutors will help you and provide you with skills to do your own writing, revising, and editing, but they will not write, revise, or edit for you. - FACE-TO-FACE appointments: These are best for planning or organizing. You go to Wilson 1106 and sit with your tutor to discuss your assignment or document. If you have a written document, it is best to attach it to your appointment at least 1 minute before the start of your appointment time.
- LIVE ONLINE appointments: These are best for planning or organizing. You log on to the WC schedule a few minutes before the start of your appointment, and open your appointment. Then click on “Start of Join Live Consultation Module.” You may use the video, audio, or chat features to communicate with your tutor.
- WRITTEN ONLINE appointments: These are best for review of complete drafts. You upload your Word document to your appointment no later than 1 minute before the start of your appointment. You do NOT work directly with your tutor during the appointment time. By the end of the appointment time, your tutor will attach a pdf of your document with inserted comments and track changes feedback both attached to your appointment and by email.
- The University Writing Center is staffed by a half-time Director, who has a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Linguistics, and part-time peer tutors from various majors, who are selected based on their strong writing and interpersonal skills and trained to assist students with writing issues across the disciplines.

(Photo is of Dr. Kundell and a recent tutorial staff.)
We look forward to working with you!
last updated 11/11/2024 by Terry Kundell, Director of the Writing Center (tlkundell@umes.edu)