Happy National Hot Tea Day! Enjoy a recipe below from UMES Extension Specialty Herbs Consultant Henriette den Ouden who helps grow 22 specialty herbs on the UMES Education and Demonstration Farm.
How to make your own “Happy Tea”:
You will need:
green tea (teabag or looseleaf)
5 to 8 dried lavender flowers
3 lemon balm leaves (If you grow lemon balm, you should still have some pretty green leaves in the winter.)
A 12 fl oz. mug
A tea filter
Heat water to almost boiling. Pour it in the mug with the tea and the herbs. Cover it with a plate and let steep 5 minutes. Pour it through a filter into another mug. It’s ready to drink! No sugar is needed, but if you want add a little honey.
Both lavender and lemon balm have traditionally been used to lift your spirits!