area high school students invited to Minorities in Agriculture Leadership Institute . . .

PRINCESS ANNE (September 11, 2017) – The Fourth Annual Junior Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) Leadership Institute returns to Princess Anne on Friday, Sept. 29 and Saturday, Sept. 30. The University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) is pleased to invite local students in grades 9-12 to campus for this exceptional, two-day professional development and experiential learning opportunity featuring some of the top agricultural and natural resources entities from academia, industry and government. The theme for this year’s institute is Natural Resources and Sustainability.
On Friday, the institute will kick off with a Welcome Breakfast and Experiential Lab Workshops in water quality, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), entomology, and forestry. Following the workshops will be a Plenary Session on Natural Resources and Sustainability featuring a panel of speakers from the U.S. Forest Service, DuPont, the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service and Perdue Farms. Later in the day, attendees can participate in an Opportunity Fair, an Impromptu Speaking Contest, and an Elevator Pitch Contest.
Saturday’s proceedings will feature soft skills workshops, a service learning opportunity, and panel discussions featuring executive leaders from Perdue Farms, Monsanto, Thurgood Marshall College Fund, Sierra Club, the National Park Service, UMES Student Affairs, and more. The evening’s festivities include the UMES MANRRS 30th Anniversary Dinner and Junior MANRRS Awards ceremony, and time for networking and socializing. Following the dinner, guests are invited to the newly opened M Street Grille to continue the fun and fellowship.
Interested participants must register online, and can pay via PayPal, credit card, or check. Registration, which includes a tee shirt and meals, costs $50 for both days; a single day registration costs $30. Groups of eight or more participants earn one complementary chaperone registration. Contact Karl Binns, Jr. UMES MANRRS Chapter Advisor at 443-366-6085 or with questions.
Maryland’s Junior MANRRS is the high school component to the MANRRS college program at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. The program is designed to engage underrepresented high school students and promote careers in agriculture, natural resources and other related STEM disciplines at an earlier age and introduce them to corporate and Federal partners.
Anne Dudley, communication specialist, Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center, School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, 410-651-6196,