May saw the kick-off of the Horticulture and Fruit program’s new webinar series, “Ingenuity and Innovation in Agriculture: Talk with a Farmer.” Nearly 100 produce growers and gardening enthusiasts registered for opportunities to learn about the successes and challenges others face in their agricultural pursuits—many of them repeat customers. The first installment on May 1 featured John…Read more New extension webinar series focuses on peer-to-peer learning
4-H STEM offers National Junior Master Gardener program
Lisa Murphy (pictured below, second from right) loves gardening and devotes her time to promoting an appreciation of it and the environment through the National Junior Master Gardener program. Murphy, a 4-H STEM senior agent associate with the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Extension, is the Maryland state coordinator for the program that provides resources for parents, teachers…Read more 4-H STEM offers National Junior Master Gardener program
UMES Extension observes National Herbs and Spices Day
UMES Extension Specialty Herbs Consultant Henriette den Ouden’s five “Best Kitchen Herbs” to grow now are basil, parsley, thyme, chives and oregano. Her tips: Herbs like sun, but do fine in shade, and even inside. Make sure to cut off the flower buds from basil, parsley and chives, as it makes them woody and changes the…Read more UMES Extension observes National Herbs and Spices Day