Curriculum Guide for Sport Management

Freshman Year   
 Fall Credits Spring Credits
GEN ED Area 6.1 (EXSC 100 Freshman Experience)1GEN ED Area 1.1 (Arts & Humanities)3
GEN ED Area 6.3 (EXSC 111 Personal Health and Fitness)3GEN ED Area 3 (BIOL 112 Principles of Biology II)3
GEN ED Area 3 (BIOL 111 Principles of Biology I)3BIOL 114 Principles of Biology II Lab1
GEN ED Area 3 (BIOL 113 Principles of Biology I Lab)1GEN ED Area 5 (ENGL 102 Basic Composition II)3
GEN ED Area 5 (ENGL 101 Basic Composition I)3GEN ED Area 4 (MATH 109 College Algebra)3
EXSC 205 Introduction to Sport Management3GEN ED Area 6.2 (Computer Literacy)3
GEN ED Area 2 (Social & Behavioral Sciences)3  
Total Freshman- 3317 16
Sophomore Year 
 Fall Credits Spring Credits
EXSC 207 Facility Management3GEN ED Area 2 (Social & Behavioral Sciences)3
GEN ED Area 1.2 (ENGL 203 Fundamental of Contemporary Speech)3EXSC 350 Sport Governance3
BUAD 200 Business Ethics3ACCT 200 College Accounting3
DMST 200 Media in Today’s Society3EXSC 265 (Contemporary Issues in Kinesiology) or EXSC 382 (Socio-Cultural Analysis of Sport)3
EXSC 285 Leadership in Sport3DMST 210 Writing for Public Communication3
Total Sophomore- 3015 15
Junior Year 
 Fall Credits Spring Credits
GEN ED Area 5 (ENGL 305 Technical Writing)3EXSC 390 Interschol & Intercolleg Athlet Admin3
MATH 210 Elementary Statistics3EXSC 391 Interschol & Intercolle Athlet Admin Prac3
EXSC 455 Health Fitness Management3BUAD 311 Justice & Diversity in Organizations3
SOCI 201 Social Problems3EXSC 375 Sport Marketing3
DMST 220 Introduction to Computer Graphics3EXSC 393 Sport Business3
Total Junior- 3015 15
Senior Year 
 Fall Credits Spring Credits
EXSC 450 Sport Finance and Economics3EXSC Elective3
EXSC Elective3EXSC 490 Internship in Kinesiology6
EXSC Elective3Free Elective3
Free Elective3  
BUAD 302 Management and Organizational Behavior3  
Total Senior – 2715 12
Exercise Science Sport Management Total – 120   
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