Health Fitness Track

Exercise Science Health Fitness Track

Recommended Course Sequence

Prepares graduates seeking careers in the fitness related fields such as exercise specialists and/or personal trainer within the management of community health fitness programs, hospitals/wellness programs, sports medicine and the sports industry.

Freshman Year   
 Fall Credits Spring Credits
GEN ED Area 6.1 (EXSC 100 Freshman Experience)1 GEN ED Area 1.1 (Arts & Humanities)3
GEN ED Area 6.3 (EXSC 111 Personal Health and Fitness)3GEN ED Area 3 (BIOL 112 Principles of Biology II)3
GEN ED Area 3 (BIOL 111 Principles of Biology I)3BIOL 114 Principles of Biology II Lab1
GEN ED Area 3 (BIOL 113 Principles of Biology I Lab)1GEN ED Area 5 (ENGL 102 Basic Composition II)3
GEN ED Area 5 (ENGL 101 Basic Composition I)3GEN ED Area 4 (MATH 109 College Algebra)3
BUAD 132 Introduction to Business3GEN ED Area 2 (Social & Behavioral Sciences)3
EXSC 200 Introduction to Exercise Science3 
Total Freshman- 3317 16
Sophomore Year   
 Fall Credits Spring Credits
EXSC 202 Personal and Community Health3EXSC 252 Sports Psychology3
GEN ED Area 2 (Social & Behavioral Sciences)3BIOL 232 Human Anatomy and Phys II 3
BIOL 231 Human Anatomy and Phys I3BIOL 234 Human Anatomy and Phys II Lab1
BIOL 233 Human Anatomy and Phys I Lab1ACCT 200 College Accounting3
GEN ED Area 1.2 (ENGL 203 Fundamentals of Contemporary Speech)3GEN ED Area 6.2 (BUED 212 Computer Concepts/Application)3
DMST 210 Writing for Public Communication3  
Total Sophomore – 29 16 13
Junior Year 
 Fall Credits Spring Credits
EXSC 222 Intermediate Swimming OR EXSC 223 Tai Chi Foundations OR EXSC 224 Fundamentals of Basketball1EXSC 302 Sport Medicine and First Aid3
EXSC 332 Exercise Physiology4EXSC 355 Exercise Testing and Prescription3
EXSC 455 Health Fitness Management 3MATH 210 Elementary Statistics3
BUAD 213 Business Software Application3EXSC 265 (Contemporary Issues in Kinesiology or EXSC 382 (Socio-Cultural Analysis of Sport)3
CHEM 111 Principles of Chemistry I3GEN ED Area 5 (ENGL 305 Technical Writing)3
CHEM 113 Principles of Chemistry Lab1  
Total Junior- 30   15 15
Senior Year   
 Fall Credits Spring Credits
EXSC 411 Applied Kinesiology4EXSC 360 Exercise & Sport Nutr Online  3
EXSC 445 Health Aspects of Aging3EXSC 490 Internship in Exercise Science6
EXSC 464 Adult Health Fitness Programming Online 3Free Elective3
EXSC 475 Advanced Strength and Conditioning3  
Free Elective3  
Total Senior – 28 16 12
Exercise Science Heath Fitness Track Total – 120 
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