Conectiv Endowment Scholarship


Click here for a printable application


The purpose of the Scholarship is to provide funds toward one or more UMES graduate students’ expenses in an academic year. The scholarship was established by the electric power company on the Delmarva Peninsula, Conectiv, now renamed Delmarva Power. The 2005-2006 year was the first year of spendable income generated from the 2003 endowment.


The criteria for applying for the Scholarship are as follows:

1.         A full-time degree seeking student in one of the graduate programs listed below.

2.         Full-time is a minimum of nine (9) graduate level credit hours of coursework in the graduate program to which the student has been admitted, prerequisite and repeat coursework do not count toward the nine credit hours.

3.         The student is enrolled for the nine graduate credit hours in the semester in which s/he is applying for the scholarship.

4.         The student has a 3.4 or higher cumulative grade point average (GPA) at the close of the prior UMES academic semester or session.

5.         The student has Regular Admission Status at the time of the application submission.

6.         The student is a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident of the U.S.

7.         The student is in the second or later semester of enrollment for the degree program.

8.         The student is a graduate of schools in the Delmarva Peninsula (i.e., that is, the State of Delaware, the Eastern Shore of Maryland or the Eastern Shore of Virginia). S/he received the high school diploma, the undergraduate bachelor’s and the master’s degree (if applicable) from a high school and college/university located on the Delmarva Peninsula.


9.         The student is currently a legal resident of a county on the Delmarva Peninsula (see number 8 above for definition.

10.       Eligible graduate programs for this year’s funding  are: Rehabilitation Counseling, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Organizational     Leadership, and Education Leadership. Preference is given to those who are first time applicants.

11.       Financial need information as applicable may be provided for consideration.

Application Submission: Applications are submitted to the School of Graduate Studies office, Engineering and Aviation Sciences Complex, Suite 3046

Awards Announcement: School of Graduate Studies Office, Engineering and Aviation Sciences Complex, Suite 3046. After the application deadline for the semester, data on the applications are confirmed, and the applications reviewed according to the criteria. Applicants are notified of the award. Awards are processed through University Relations.

Use of Awards: Toward payment of tuition and fees or related educational costs of attending UMES.

Appeals: None.

Because of the limited spendable income amount, all award decisions are final. The exceptions, usually rare, are the decline of an award by a recipient or the withdrawal of an awardee from classes early in the semester, which may provide unobligated funds which can be reallocated for the semester. Applicants who do not meet the eligibility criteria are so notified at the time of the application review.

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