Refund Policy for Student Athletes


To set forth policy and procedures for determining refunds for student athletes after all expenses have been met.


It is the policy of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) to review refund requests for student athletes to determine the amount he/she may receive. Only athletes receiving federal pell grant awards and on full scholarship are eligible to receive refunds that do not exceed 25% of the federal pell grant award. Student athletes, who are on partial scholarship and have student loans, may receive refunds as long as they do not exceed need and cost of attendance.


  1. The Office of Student Accounts forwards the Refund Request Form to the OSFA.
  2. The Director of Financial Aid or designee will review and determine the eligibility for the refund.
  3. If the athletics aid needs to be reduced to prevent violation of NCAA rules and regulations, the refund is denied.
  4. If the refund is denied because of an overaward, the Director of Financial Aid or designee is authorized to reduce the athletics aid accordingly. Once the adjustment is made, the refund may be approved.
  5. If the refund is from a loan or cash paid by the student and there is no overaward, the refund request is approved.
  6. If the refund is from a federal pell grant, the refund request is approved up to 25% of the awarded pell grant.
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