The University of Maryland Eastern Shore Drama Society is a component of the Department of English and Modern Languages and produces a minimum of two major productions per academic year. Occasionally, smaller productions such as Black History Month specials are presented when time permits. The spring production is the annual Dinner Theatre that is presented in mid-April in cooperation with the Hotel Restaurant Department. Both classic and original musicals comprise the theatre fare. The drama courses are offered through the English and Theatre Arts course offerings. The backbone of the drama program is the UMES Drama Society, which has been functioning since 1976 under the advisorship of the founder and Drama Director, Dr. Della Dameron-Johnson.
The casting policy for all University Series theatrical productions is “open casting” which means any individual from the university family and the community-at-large are eligible and encouraged to audition as actors, singers, dancers and for technical crews in which they desire to work. Area high school students, as well as Eastern Shore residents have performed with our various productions and are strongly urged and solicited to share their talent and support.