Students in the Biomedical Engineering program developed a Robotic System that can administer vaccination to contagious (Covid-19) patients in a closed room setting, minimizing the infection risk (death risk) of healthcare workers who work with Covid-19 patients. This technology can be further applied to space exploration, emergency response, and robotic surgery.
Students research, design, integrate, and demonstrate an unmanned aerial system capable of autonomous flight and navigation, remote imaging and communication, and execution of a specific set of tasks including Sense, Detect and Avoid of stationary and moving obstacles.
The Adept Cobra™ s350 SCARA Robot to Pick and Place a Target Project
This Project done by student , programming The Adept Cobra™ s350 SCARA robot to pick and place a target using the Adept SmartController™ motion controller , Adept Smart Vision MX, AdeptSight, Schunk Pneumatic Gripper and Blister camera.
Students Senior Design Project Payload Delivery Quadcopter
The design of a quadcopter for payload delivery packages was designed and constructed by UMES engineering students Adam Haj (engineering, concentration mechanical), David Salmeron (engineering, concentration mechanical) and Andrew Barth (engineering, concentration aerospace).Under supervision of Dr. Payam Matin. The project is in the second phase of the yearlong senior design class. The drone is officially registered with the Federal Aviation Administration due to its weight and for legal purposes. The video shown is FA3CRHPT9E (quadcopter) first’s flight in a controlled environment. As the semester progress, the goal of the engineering team is to make the quadcopter more stable and mission ready to beta test delivering packages.