Kuali Financial System (KFS)

Kuali Financial System

Do I need to become a KFS user?

Who Needs to be Trained?

You Need access to KFS if you will need to execute any of the following activities:

  • You submit or approve Requisitions
  • You process Payroll Transfers
  • You enter or process Journal Entries
  • You enter or process Purchasing Cards/Visa Logs
  • You create or process payments to Vendors
  • You are a Fiscal Officer (FO) for any account (State, Revolving, or Grants)

You will NOT need access to KFS or need KFS training if your system activities are limited ONLY to one or all of the following transactions today:

  • You only enter time-sheets
  • You only interact with the PeopleSoft system

KFS Object Codes

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