Josh Shockly
Applied Design: Graphic Illustration, Class of 2004
In 2006 Josh co-founded PLB Comics, an Eastern Shore based independent self-publishing comic book company, where Josh is one of the main writers, artists and inkers. To date PLB Comics have self-published 20 different comics. Their series include The Fall: Vengeance and Justice, Gideon and Sebastian: Predators and Prey, The PLB Comics Halloween Special, John the Swamp Dude and the one shot children’s comic; The Thrilling Misadventures of Jellyman and Toast. Josh co- founded and helped coordinate the Eastern Shore Fan Con, a comic book and anime convention held in conjunction with the student group the ACTION Anime Society, from years 2012-2015. He also co-founded and helps to coordinate the Ocean City Comic Con, a comic book convention held in Ocean City, MD (2017- current). Josh resides in Salisbury with his wife Michelle and is employed at UMES in the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs as a Contracts and Grants Associate.

Kristie Boyd
Applied Design: Commercial Photography, Class of 2006
Soon after graduating Kristie became the Official photographer for the House of Representatives, Washington. DC. She has photographed many world leaders including Barak Obama and, most recently, the Pope. She continues in that position and owns her own business, Kristie Baxter Photography. If you are in the DC area and need some photos, hire her.

Jessica Craney
Applied Design: Graphic Illustration, Class of 2008
After Graduation Jessica earned her Masters of Fine Arts at Full Sail University. She has continuously worked in her field including as Graphics Specialist at NOVA Research Company. Jessica is currently working for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as a Visual Information Specialist. She is responsible for a wide range of design projects for various business and government agencies.

Jason D. Foret
Applied Design: Graphic Illustration, Class of 2008
Jason is now the Design Director for CBS News 12 in West Palm Beach, Florida. He and his wife Tracy have two children.

Kendra Grady-Kelly
Art Education, Class of 2007
Kendra received a full-time teaching position immediately upon graduation. She continues to inspire and educate a new generation of artist in her position as art teacher at the Heketi Community Charter School in Bronx, NY.

Ajanae’ Lewis
Applied Design: Graphic Illustration, Class of 2011
Congratulations to Ajanae’’! She just graduated with a master’s degree in Art Therapy from the School of Visual Arts in her home city, New York. She wrote to us to let us know “I have recently come back from a two week intense program, studying art therapy in Florence, Italy… I wanted to say thank you (Mr. Harrington) once again, for your support and recommendation to SVA. Your influence has led me on a journey I would have never thought I would experience today. I am writing you mostly to say that I am happy and grateful that I was able to meet you at UMES. You were a great teacher and advisor, who affected my professional studies to a great extent.”

Kason Washington
Applied Design: Graphic Illustration, Class of 2012
Kason Washington works for Quevera where he designs websites, portals, stationary, and promotional material for the company and our clients. Kason also mentors high school students interested in graphic design. He and his wife Jamie just returned from their honeymoon.

Jamaal Peterman
Applied Design: Sequential Arts, Class of 2014
After graduating from UMES, Jamaal earned his Masters of Fine Arts from Pratt Institute in May 2019. His work was so popular, he sold every painting in his thesis exhibition. Jamaal is currently featured in an Art In America article.

Martha Opiyo
Applied Design: Sequential Arts, Class of 2019
After graduating in Spring 2019, Martha continued working for Webtoons. She completed her highly successful, Oh My Intern, De Novo and is currently working on a new project called 21st Century Knights!

Mariah Terry
Applied Design: Sequential Arts, Class of 2019
Mariah Terry graduated in Winter 2019. She is currently illustrating a children’s book.