Pre-Matriculation Requirements

Important Dates

Admissions to the UMES School of Pharmacy requires completion of the pre-matriculation requirements. All students are required to complete the following pre-matriculation requirements by June 2, 2025

  1. Physical Examination and Immunization
  2. Health Insurance
  3. Criminal Background Check
  4. Drug Screening
  5. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR/BLS)
  6. COVID-19 Immunization

Physical Examination and Immunization

The results of the physical examination and proof of up to date immunization status should be documented on the UMES Health & Immunization History Form, signed by a licensed physician, and uploaded to the Medical Document Manager in Castle Branch, Inc. Instructions for accessing Castle Branch, Inc. will be emailed to each student who has been made an offer for admission. Failure to submit your health and immunization records will affect your ability to matriculate into the program.    

ImmunizationsAdditional Information
Tetanus (TDaP)within last 10 years 
Hepatitis B Series 
Varicella (chickenpox)2 vaccinations or positive antibody titer (history of disease is not acceptable)
MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)2 vaccinations or positive antibody titer
PPD (Tuberculosis skin test)2 step TB skin test (administered 1- 3 weeks apart) within the previous 6 months or QuantiFERON Gold blood test within the last 12 months.  Positive results must provide a clear chest x-ray (lab report required) within the last 12 months. PPD is an annual requirement.
Influenzavaccination administered during the most recent flu season.  Influenza vaccine is an annual requirement
Meningitis Vaccine or waiverif on campus student
Health Insurance

All students are required to have health insurance.  Please upload a copy of the back & front of your insurance card to Medical Document Manager in Castle Branch, Inc. Instructions for accessing Castle Branch, Inc. will be emailed to each student who has been made an offer for admission

Criminal Background Check

All students are required to have a criminal background check (CBC) report on file with the School of Pharmacy (SOP). The criminal background check is performed by Castle Branch, Inc. at the expense of the student. Information on obtaining the initial CBC will be emailed to each student who has been made an offer for admission.  Please note the following:

  • The Criminal Background Check is MANDATORY. 
  • Additional background checks may be required of external institutional partnerships prior to participation in experiential activities.
  • Financial and other responsibilities for these CBCs are the sole responsibility of the student. 
  • Admissions offers may be rescinded due to negative information on the CBC
Drug Screening

All students are required to have a drug screening test on file with the School of Pharmacy.  The drug screening is performed by Castle Branch, Inc. at the expense of the student.  The Drug screening test is MANDATORY.  Information on obtaining the initial drug screening is emailed to each student who has been offered admission.  Information from the drug screening must be on file with the School of Pharmacy. Additionally, students may be required to perform a drug screening to be eligible for placement in specific external institutional partnerships prior to participation in experiential activities.  Financial and other responsibilities for these drug screenings are the sole responsibility of the student.

Additionally, each student is subject to mandatory random drug screening during the Doctor of Pharmacy education program as requested by the UMES School of Pharmacy and/or the experiential site. Failure to successfully pass a drug screening test, refusal to submit to a test, or any other violation of the UMES substance abuse policy, will have consequences that may result in dismissal from the Doctor of Pharmacy program, legal issues and/or financial complications for the student. 

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR/BLS) Certification

All students are required to have certification in the American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care Providers and CPR. Certification should be through the American Heart Association. The Maryland Board of Pharmacy requires that this certification be in-person training. The CPR Re-certification is required prior to the start of Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs) in the third professional year. 

COVID-19 Immunization

COVID-19 – we will follow the CDC Guidance for IHE’s and the USM Chancellor’s Vaccine Mandate. By the USM mandate, all students are required to provide proof of being fully vaccinated for COVID-19 or have an approved exemption. Visit the UMES COVID-19 webpage for more information.

For more information, please contact us at (410) 621- 2292 or

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