Deceleration Policy

Deceleration Policy

ARC-PA Definition: The loss of a student from the entering cohort, who remains matriculated in the physician assistant program.

Reasons for student deceleration may include; but is not limited to, the following:

  • Academic performance
    • Final didactic or clinical course grade = “F”
      • Students with an “F” grade in majority of their semester courses will not be considered for deceleration
    • Continued academic probation
    • Unsuccessful Summative I Examination remediation outcomes
    • Unsuccessful End of Curriculum Examination remediation outcomes
    • Unsuccessful OSCE remediation outcomes
    • Repeat of failed SCPE at the end of the Program
  • Professionalism (behavior or conduct)
    • Unsuccessful remediation outcomes that become a barrier for maintaining progression
  • Extenuating circumstances, such as a leave of absence

Deceleration Process in the Didactic Year

To proceed with the option of deceleration, a student must accept the recommendation of the PPC and notify the UMES PA Program and the School of Graduate Studies in writing and complete a Reinstatement Application via the School of Graduate Studies website ( ) within five (5) business days of his/her notification of dismissal. Reinstatement if granted, the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies will collaborate with the Program Director to notify the student in writing including conditions for reinstatement and a time period in which to complete them. Cases of reinstatement are considered on an individual basis and are not automatically granted. The student’s acceptance will be placed in the student’s file.

The UMES PA curriculum is designed to be delivered on a full-time basis to students in a cohort.  All skills and knowledge must be maintained through the Program; therefore, a decelerated student will be required to repeat all UMES PA Program courses even if the student did not receive an “F” grade in all courses. The student will restart and graduate the program with a new cohort.  The student will follow curriculum and policy revisions for the new cohort. The student is responsible for all tuition costs incurred by deceleration. The student may need to submit an appeal for financial aid to the Office of Student Financial Aid.  Refer to the Office of Student Financial Aid, Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) | Financial Aid (, for more details. A second failure after deceleration will result in a dismissal from the Program. All Program coursework is still required to be completed within four (4) years from the original date of matriculation.  If the student is unable to complete the Program within the required four (4) year timeframe, the student must obtain approval from the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies by completing a Petition of Waiver of Regulation for the Department of Physician Assistant Form.

Deceleration is not an option in lieu of significant academic deficiencies or disciplinary action, including but not limited to, persistent and excessive unsuccessful completion of courses and assessments, university suspension or any other professional/ethical violation that would be considered grounds for permanent dismissal from the program.

Deceleration Process in the Clinical Year

Failure to successfully pass components of the End of Curriculum Examination after the outlined remediation; or complete the clinical or professional requirements of a SCPE may result in deceleration. The student will be responsible for all tuition costs incurred by the failed SCPE or need for special topics courses. Refer to the Clinical Year Handbook for more information.

Deceleration due to a Leave of Absence

Students with prolonged illnesses or other personal issues that result in multiple absences should consult with the DED and/or CED regarding taking a leave of absence. In addition, the student’s faculty advisor, DED, CED, Assistant Program Director, or Program Director may recommend a leave of absence to the student. The decision for approval will ultimately be determined by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies. Students must be in good academic standing to qualify for a leave of absence unless the student is requesting a medical leave of absence.

To proceed with the leave of absence option, a student must go through the following procedure:

  1. Submit a request in writing to the Program Director discussing reason for and expected duration of the leave.
    • In the event the student is incapacitated and unable to initiate the request, the Program Director or Assistant Program Director may facilitate this process. 
  2. In the event of a medical problem or pregnancy, the student request should be accompanied by a letter from a healthcare provider stating the student is medically unable to meet the technical and/or academics standards of the program; and the estimated length of time needed for recovery.  
  3. The Program Director or Assistant Program Director will meet with the student to discuss the student’s request.
  4. The Program Director or Assistant Program Director reserves the right to consult with Program Faculty and/or the PPC for consideration of the leave of absence request.
  5. After consultation with the student, Program Faculty, and/or the PPC, the Program Director or Assistant Program Director will provide the request for the leave of absence to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies for the final decision of approval or denial, and the conditions under which the student may return to school.
  6. The Program Director or Assistant Program Director will send an official letter to the student indicating the outcome of the leave of absence request, and if approved, it will include, but is not limited to, the following elements:  
    • Official start date of leave
    • Implications for resuming the curriculum
    • Duration of the leave (no longer than twelve (12) months) 
      • If the student’s leave of absence extends beyond the twelve (12) months leave maximum, the student must obtain approval from the Dean of the School of Pharmacy of Health Professions; and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies to return to the Program by completing a Petition of Waiver of Regulation for the Department of Physician Assistant Form.
    • Medical Leave of Absences will require a medical provider to send a letter to the Program Director medically clearing the student to return to the Program and attest the student can meet the technical standards of the program no earlier than June 15; but no later than, July 1 of the year of return. 
    • Need to repeat criminal background check, Maryland Child Abuse check, and urine drug screen prior to return (at the student’s expense).
    • Students must keep the Program up to date of address or circumstance changes while on leave.
    • Consequences for not returning from leave- If a student does not return from the leave of absence at the specified time, the student will be administratively withdrawn from the program and will be responsible for all accrued fees and financial obligations. 
    • Referral to the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Student Financial Aid for assistance with student accounts.
  7. The Program Director or Assistant Program Director will provide a copy of the official leave of absence approval letter to the Dean of the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.
  8. The student must complete a Withdrawal Form, WITHDRAWAL-FORM_rev-4-2022.pdf ( The form requires signatures from the Faculty Advisor, Program Director, Office of Student Financial Aid Staff, VP Administrative Affairs or Designate, University Post Office, and the Office of the Registrar and should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.

Any tuition reimbursement will be in accordance with the institutional refund policy. A leave of absence may result in a student graduating after the remainder of their cohort; and not being able to participate in the graduation ceremony with their original cohort, and other program and university-related events.  

***Any student who repeats a course, will receive the repeated course grade as their final grade for the course, whether higher or lower.  The second (repeated) grade will be used in computing the GPA.

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