Exhibitor Registration

ARD Research Symposium 2024
Symposium Theme:
Climate, Health and Cultivating the Next Generation of Agriculture Leaders: Creating Solutions in Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Registration Form for Exhibitor Space
Should be completed and sent by Feb. 9, 2024.
All exhibitors must register individually by using the provided Exhibitor Registration Form. The cost for each Exhibit Space is $3000.00 (which includes one $700.00 Registration fee; however, each additional person is to pay an additional fee according to the Registration Fee Payment Schedule.) Each 1890 campus is invited to display one university exhibit FREE. Additional exhibits and non-1890 exhibitors must pay the fee of $3,000 by February 9, 2024. All exhibitors, including the 1890s, must submit the Exhibit Registration Form by the deadline. Please make payments (check, money order or purchase order) payable to the Association of 1890 Research Directors, Inc. Please send completed form and payment to:
Association of 1890 Research Directors
Dr. Jose U. Toledo
P.O. Box 1513
Greensboro, NC 27402
Exhibit setup times are 1:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, April 6, 2024; and 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 7, 2024.
The size of the exhibit space is 8 feet by 10 feet, each equipped with one 6 ft. table and two chairs. Please specify any special requirements for your exhibit space within the Exhibitor Registration Form. For more information, please contact Dr. Vernon Jones at vjones@langston.edu, or Ms. Lisa Williamson at lmwilliamson1@ncat.edu
Please click here to view/download and fill-out the Exhibitor Registration form. After filling it out, please print it out, and send completed form and payment to the above address.