Professionalism Policy

Professionalism Policy

UMES Physician Assistant Program supports the University Student Code of Conduct. As members of the UMES community and future health care practitioners, students are expected to uphold these fundamental values including honor, personal and academic integrity, justice, freedom, leadership, civility, and loyalty to the University. Students are also to respect diversity, spirituality, and personal and property rights of others. We have established this professionalism policy, which forms the model of conduct for student members of our academic community. Like all other communities, the school will function properly only if its members (faculty, students and staff) adhere to clearly established goals and values. Essential to the fundamental purpose of the program is the commitment to the principles of truth and academic honesty, and the University Student Code of Conduct. Accordingly, the professionalism policy is designed to ensure that the principles of academic honesty lie with the student. It also addresses e-professionalism, professional attire and attendance.

All UMES PA students share the following responsibilities: to read, become acquainted with, and adhere to the School of Graduate Studies, The School of Pharmacy and Health Professions and, the University Student Code of Conduct; to respect personal and property rights of others, and to act in a responsible manner at all times, on or off campus; to protect and foster the intellectual, academic, research, cultural, and social missions of the university; and, to observe the laws of local, state and federal government agencies.

Student Code of Conduct Policy

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore claims certain foundational principles of values upon which its entire existence stands. All students at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore have the duty to observe and uphold and accept these values as the code of conduct. These include;

  • Honor, personal and professional academic integrity
  • Commitment to attendance and punctuality
  • Respect for diversity, spirituality, and personal and property rights of others
  • Justice, freedom, leadership, civility
  • Loyalty to the University

Physician Assistant students are subject to the same level of conduct as all University of Maryland Eastern Shore students; students residing in university housing are subject to the rules for all students who reside in university housing. Any infractions of these rules will be handled by the UMES Judicial Board. All students are encouraged to study the sections concerning these violations in the University Student Handbook. 

In addition to the University Student Handbook, PA students shall not:

  • Fail to conform his/her conduct to the ethical and moral standards of the Physician Assistant profession as articulated in the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) Statement of Values.
  • Intentionally make misrepresentation on a resume or curriculum vitae concerning class rank, grades, academic honors, student organization involvement, work experience, or any other matter relevant to job placement.
  • Purposely furnish false information.
  • Engage in disruptive behavior in class.
  • Violate the Physician Assistant program attendance policy.
  • Violate the Dress code policy.
  • Demonstrate inappropriate or disrespectful behavior toward fellow students, faculty, staff, preceptors, and staff/employees at SCPE sites or other community organizations.
  • Engage in inappropriate or disrespectful interaction with patients.
  • Unauthorized use or removal of prescription or nonprescription drugs, devices, or confidential information from the clinical sites.
  • Perpetrate any form of theft, forgery, falsification, or fraudulent use of university or experiential practice site property.
  • Willfully conceal or misrepresent information material to an investigation of an alleged violation of this Professionalism Policy when the information is sought by the Physician Assistant Program faculty.
  • Engage in the use and distribution of illegal drugs*.

*Students are required to follow the UMES Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy.

Clinical Code of Conduct Policy

The Clinical Education Director or designee will be charged with the responsibility of promptly investigating alleged infractions of this code.

The following code of conduct will guide the ethical behavior in hospitals, community clinics, research and production facilities, and various rotation sites. We feel that the magnitude of our responsibility as healthcare professionals necessitates the establishment of the highest standards of professional conduct.

Respect and Concern for the Welfare of Patients

The Student will:

  • Treat patients and their families with respect and dignity both in their presence and in discussions with others.
  • Recognize when one’s ability to function effectively is compromised and ask for relief or help.
  • Recognize the limits of student involvement in the medical care of a patient and seek supervision or advice before acting when necessary.
  • Not use alcohol or other drugs in a manner that could compromise themselves or patient care.
  • Respect for the rights of others.

The Student will:

  • Deal with professional, staff and peer members of the health care team in a considerate manner and with a spirit of cooperation.
  • Act with an egalitarian spirit toward all persons encountered in a professional capacity regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual preference, age, national origin, physical disability, marital status, political affiliation, or socioeconomic status.
  • Respect the patient’s modesty and privacy.


The Student will:

  • Be truthful in communication to others.
  • Maintain confidentiality of patient information.
  • Admit errors and not knowingly mislead others to promote one’s self at the expense of the patient. 
  • Not represent himself/herself as a Physician, Physician Assistant, or other health professional.
  • Accurately acknowledge the sources for all information reported. Failure to do so will be considered plagiarism.

Responsibility and Sense of Duty

The Student will:

  • Participate responsibly in patient care or research to the best of his or her ability and with the appropriate supervision.
  • Undertake clinical duties and persevere until they are complete. 
  • Notify the responsible person if something interferes with his or her ability to perform clinical or academic tasks effectively.

Professional Demeanor

The Student will:

  • Maintain a neat and clean appearance, and dress in attire according to the dress code policy.
  • Be thoughtful and professional when interacting with patients and families.
  • Strive to maintain composure during times of fatigue, professional stress, or personal problems.
  • Avoid offensive language, gestures, or inappropriate remarks.

NOTE: The standards of clinical conduct are based on the Code of Conduct for Duke University Medical Students and have been adapted to meet the individual needs of the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

E-Professionalism Policy

Even though sources of ethical principles may differ, the Professional Student Conduct Code includes an e-professionalism policy which stipulates that faculty and staff will not permit students access to their personal e-mail, social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), webpage, blogs, or any other internet or world wide web based communicative networks. Because LinkedIn® is a professional networking site, faculty and staff may permit student access to their LinkedIn® profile.

Your email, blogs, Webpages, social networking sites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) and all other internet or world wide web based communicative networks are as much a part of your professional image as the clothes you wear. Therefore, all students in the Physician Assistant program are expected to demonstrate high standards of professional behavior in all educational settings, including classrooms and laboratories, professional and clinical sites, and in non-educational settings, including the internet, e-mail and other forms of electronic media.

Additionally, there are a set of generally accepted rules and conventions when participating in online classes and discussions. These guidelines are sometimes referred to as Netiquette. A set of common Netiquette rules for online classes has been published by Alma Mintu-Wimsatt and colleagues in the Merlot Journal of Online Learning and Teaching ( and is copied below:

  • Do not dominate any discussion. Give other students the opportunity to join in the discussion.
  • Do not use offensive language. Present ideas appropriately.
  • Be cautious in using internet language. Do not capitalize all letters this suggests shouting.
    • Popular emoticons such as ðŸ˜€ðŸ˜€ can be helpful to convey your tone but do not overdo or overuse them.
  • Avoid using vernacular and/or slang language. This could possibly lead to misinterpretation.
  • Never make fun of someone’s ability to read or write.
  • Share tips with other students.
  • Keep an open mind and be willing to express even your minority opinion. Minority opinions have to be respected.
  • Think and edit before you push the Send button.
  • Do not hesitate to ask for feedback.
  • Using humor is acceptable but be careful that it is not misinterpreted. For example, are you being humorous or sarcastic?
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