Daniel C. Dahlgren, Ph.D.



*Ph.D. Fall, (2001), Sociology, Medical Sociology: Mental Health and Social Policy Kent State University/Akron University: Doctoral Dissertation: “The Perceived Effects of Managed Care on the Mental Health of Children in Foster Care”            

*M.A. (1994), Sociology/Classic-Contemporary Theory/Methodology: Master’s Thesis: “Meeting The Demand: A Qualitative Analysis of a Crack House                                                                                  

*B.A. Psychology and *B.A. Sociology (1991) Kent State University, Undergraduate Research

Areas: Social Psychology, Psychometrics, ODMH Reimbursement; and Social Work Licensure

RESEARCH INTERESTS:   Juvenile Delinquency (Comparative, Diversion, Recidivism), Police and Minority Interaction (Verbal/Nonverbal Factors), Alternative Sentencing (Drug Courts, ISP, Juvenile Waiver), Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, and Police Interaction.  Criminological Theory, Research Methodologies Application and Evolution


Dahlgren, Daniel C, David L Spinner (2015) “Deconstructing the Code of the Street:

            Understanding Shared Reality and Identifying Consistent Indicators”;  Journal of Social     

            Science Research (Presented/Submitted For Review)

Dahlgren, Daniel C., David L Spinner, Thomas Mosley (2015);  Self-Efficacy and Policing

Outcomes: Does Race Affect the Potential of Perceived Success or Failure within Law Enforcement Interactions, Journal of Social Science Research (Presented/Review Pending)

Dahlgren, Daniel C, Nicholas Kugler (2015); Police Traffic Stops and Perceived Social

            Distance: How do Officers Perceive Driver Characteristics, Journal of Social

            Science Research (Presented/Review Pending)

Dahlgren, Daniel C.: Rationalizing Foster Care: The Effects of Managed Care on Juvenile Sex

            Offenders  Within the Community Council on Social Work Education 2013

Dahlgren, Daniel C, Marina Garica Craft. 2013.  Harm Reduction American Style: Policy

And Predictions. Submitted to: The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse  , and Policy. Francis &Taylor Press (reviewed, currently under edit)

Kratcoski, Peter C., Daniel C. Dahlgren. 2004. “The CHANCE Program: An Assessment of

            a Drug Court” in Correctional Counseling and Treatment 5th edition. Waveland

            Press: Long Grove, Ill.

Kratcoski, Peter C., Nawal H Ammar, Daniel C. Dahlgren. 2004. “Police Diversion of

            Delinquent Youths: An Assessment of Programs” in Correctional Counseling and

            Treatment 5th edition. Waveland Press: Long Grove, Ill.

Kratcoski, Peter C., Daniel C. Dahlgren. 2001. “Final Research Report: Stark County CommonPleas Court CHANCE Program”.

Kratcoski, Peter C., Nawal H. Ammar, Daniel C. Dahlgren. 2001. “Final Research Report: Police Juvenile Diversion Programs” OCJS Grant No. 97DGG027272.

Academy of Criminal Justices Sciences (ACJS), International Section

Member, Society of Criminology (ASC)

Member, American Sociological Association (ASA)

Midwest Criminal Justice Association (MCJA)

(Former Chair/President)

Ohio Council On Criminal Justice Education (OCCJE)

(Former Chair/President)

Criminal Justice Graduate SLOARS (Outcome Based Education Initiative: Acting Chair)

Criminal Justice Comprehensive Examination Committee (Chair)

Criminal Justice Graduate Student Admission Committee (Chair)

Criminal Justice Graduate Assistantship Committee (Member)

Criminal Justice Undergraduate Scholarship Committee (Member)

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