Flag Parade – hold a flag for the various countries represented here at UMES.
Flag choices are first come, first served, so sign up now!
***We encourage students to dress in a piece of traditional clothing suitable for a formal occasion.***

Who: International, study abroad and Study abroad-interested students.
Rehearsal: December 12, 2019 3:00 – 4:30 Hytche Gym
Commencement – December 13 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Hytche Gym Must be available for entire ceremony.
To sign up or for more information, please email Ms. Gordon at: egordon@umes.edu
Please share this invitation with any international students or study abroad-interested students you know that may be interested and ask them to contact the Center for International Education.
Anyone who is interested in being a flag bearer should reply ASAP with:
- your name
- ID#
- Organization for community service hours
- Flag choice – 3 countries. We carry one flag per country, so requests are on a first come, first served basis. Please list a second & third choice for flags to carry.
- If you stay on campus, please include the name of the hall or apartment complex and the unit number, so that we can obtain permission for you to stay the extra night.
- Traditional clothing from your home country is encouraged! Even if you end up carrying a flag from a different country! Hats or headdress, blouse, skirt, dress, dashiki, scarves or other garb, keeping in mind that it is a formal occasion and procession. Jeans and sneakers are not permitted.