Dr. T. Sean Vasaitis
School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Phone: (410) 651-8350
Email: tsvasaitis@umes.edu
Website: https://www.umes.edu/SHP/
Dr. Derrek B. Dunn
School of Business and Technology
Phone: (410) 651-6067
Email: ddunn@umes.edu
Website: https://www.umes.edu/SBT/
Dr. LaKeisha L. Harris
Dean of Graduate Studies
School of Graduate Studies
Phone: (410) 651-7966
Email: llharris@umes.edu
Website: https://www.umes.edu/Grad/
Dr. Moses T. Kairo
School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences
Phone: (410) 651-6072
Email: mkairo@umes.edu
Website: https://www.umes.edu/sans/
Mr. Christopher J. Harrington
Acting Dean
School of Education, Social Sciences, and the Arts
Phone: (410) 651-6488
Email: cjharrington@umes.edu
Website: https://www.umes.edu/SESA/
Dr. Stanley Robertson
School of Veterinary Medicine
Phone: (410) 651-7163
Email: srrobertson@umes.edu
Website: https://www.umes.edu
Contact Information
Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
11868 Academic Oval, John T. Williams Hall Suite 3111
Princess Anne, Maryland 21853
Telephone: (410) 651-6508 or 6713