
FALL 2022 professional development activities designed to fit your busy schedule. Register today!

The Series for New Faculty

The Series for New Faculty is a comprehensive schedule of activities designed to introduce you to our university. You will meet new colleagues, hear from a number of current UMES faculty and staff members, and have many opportunities to engage and ask questions. We invite key faculty leaders and administrators to our meetings to discuss a range of resources, benefits, and support that will help guide you in the coming months and years.

First Meeting: OCTOBER 6, 2022


Fall Faculty Seminars

The CTE hosts a professional development program that brings experts, ideas, conversations, and thought experiments to faculty throughout the academic year. Be sure you don’t miss out on these sessions!

Up first, join us for a special series with CITOL’s instructional designer extraordinaire, Torrie Turner, for three Thursdays this Fall. Her expertise is student engagement and she designed these quick 30-minute sessions to fit into busy schedules.


Reading Groups

Our Fall 2022 Reading Group will be discussing Unraveling Faculty Burnout: Pathways to Reckoning and Renewal.

Faculty often talk about how busy, overwhelmed, and stressed they are. These qualities are seen as badges of honor in a capitalist culture that values productivity above all else. But for many of us in higher education, exhaustion and stress go far deeper than end-of-the-semester malaise.

Rebecca Pope-Ruark, PhD, draws from her own burnout experience, as well as collected stories of faculty in various roles and career stages, interviews with coaches and educational developers, and extensive secondary research to address and mitigate burnout. Pope-Ruark lays out four pillars of burnout resilience for faculty members: purpose, compassion, connection, and balance. Each chapter contains relatable stories, reflective opportunities and exercises, and advice from faculty in higher education.

There’s still time to register! Just FILL OUT THIS FORM and we’ll contact you with meeting dates.

Communities of Practice

SHTEAM — our faculty COP on interdisciplinary teaching. Their first meeting followed our Winter Faculty Institute on “The Pedagogies of Social Justice and Critical Race Theory.” Since then, they’ve hosted a seminar with colleagues from Embry-Riddle, and designed a team-taught course called “Afrofuturism.” They meet monthly and plan to expand their team-teaching model across campus.

COMING SOON: Faculty COP on engaged learning featuring the expertise of our colleagues. Interested in joining? REGISTER HERE.

Have an idea for a Faculty Community of Practice? LOVE TO HEAR IT!

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